gisulod na ang cafe shots fired murag fireworks watching cnn now
update: 2 dead several wounded.. tsk tsk another sad day...
gisulod na ang cafe shots fired murag fireworks watching cnn now
update: 2 dead several wounded.. tsk tsk another sad day...
Last edited by alwaysdrunk; 12-15-2014 at 11:49 PM.
How many more acts of terrorism will it take for people to realize that Islam really means peace?![]()
Mas nindot unta if ichange ang SOP aning mga spec ops. One-shot if naa clear view. Kita man kaayo to siya sa bintana. Wa unta toy mamatay na hostage.
Am not expert on this, but there has to be some rules of engagement during this kind of crisis. Murag ang crisis team ato, is waiting for a window to end the drama without wasting a single soul, including the hostage taker.
Sad part is, 2 dead plus the gunman.
Maayo na lang kay di ni sila mao ang mi-conduct sa raid...
Maypa ipang band lang sa ni temporarily sa kaning community religion mo sulod sa country pra ma iwas lang jd mga ang ig-aning mga situation. Kay krun active pa kaayo cla ang mga muslims extremest aning ilang lainx2x idealogy. Or d sa cla allowed mo travel globally ky lisod jd ni kontrahon na lisod pag ila knsa nila ang lain idealogy etc, In the end mo end up na noun mga ig-ani situation.
ohh well...
not to generalize Muslims but....
Basta naa Muslims, expected naa jud nang gubot!! Hate to say this but mostly gubot jud.
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