guys, it might be time to step back a bit and take in a breathe of fresh air.
not all movies need to be intellectually stimulating, thought provoking, soulful.
sometimes we just need to sit back, relax and be blasted silly by the portrayal
of such senseless violence, devoid of anything closely resembling real life, we
could not help but be entertained.
enjoying any form of art is an acquired taste. overtime our subconscious develops
towards a certain taste. once developed we sometimes tend to take in less and less
of other "tastes". trouble can occur when we reach this stage. without diversity,
we often forget why we like what we have acquired and in time it becomes less
enjoyable. and this my dear sirs is my point, diversity. we need movies like xxx2
if only to remind us that we like something else.
so i say this and i'm saying this with all humility, maybe... just maybe...
it is time to get off the high horse and go mingle with the crowd