not because Whedon humour stopped being funny after early 00s.
not because Whedon humour stopped being funny after early 00s.
Claudia Kim's character. Natinga ang mga tawo, hoping the girl is anothet superhero. It was confirmed sa SDCC; Kim is beside Thor and Rogers is talking to Hill.
The comics has its fair share of humor. Nolan ra man nagpauso anang dark and grounded kunohay.
The Dark Knight Rises was funner than all of the MCU combined.
anyhow, I think Black Panther will be in a post credit scene. already have the Claw guy and Ultron making himself a Vibranium body(that melting scene). gotta have T'Challa now.
can't wait to watch this.))
so, since Black Widow has no movie... is Whedon killing her off here? Joss talked about killing one of the Avengers. killing Hawkeye won't really have as much emotional impact in comparison because nobody cares about Hawkeye. although Hulk has no movie too, but I don't think they'll kill him.
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