UPDATE: Gi move to November 10 ang ilang operation for NO REGISTRATION NO TRAVEL policy.. and yes, sakto @
necrotic freak nga ok ra ang temporary kay naa naman kay registration ana..
ang tentative implementation nila ron kay dili na nila ma ok karon ang conduction permit.. ang paage kay inig palit/kuha nimo sa vehicle (actually same as before ra ni), tagaan man ka anag OR ug certification of sale.. that will be the basis if dakponon ba ka or dili kay by law, pwede nimo ma test drive/ride imong vehicle upon purchase for 7 days from the date of purchase.. within those 7 working days, your dealer should make sure they have forwarded to LTO your registration ang LTO promised to process the registration in 7 working days.. so no more conduction permit.. that said, this is still subject to discussion with the stakeholders.. pero mao ni ang plan nila.. FYI..