Frats/Sors need not be abolished let alone a just means to mete out/satisfy the justice rightfully deserved for those have been bereaved or victimized by the monstrousity of their rites. Neither outlawing these frats/sors will resolve the problem of hazing in general. Hazing exists or is not confined to frats/sors alone. Military, sports teams and some religious groups practice some form of hazing - violent or otherwise.
Also, this issue is not solely of accountability/command responsibility alone -- it is resistance to change as well. Yes, frat-related deaths (due to hazing) are generally not only results of poor leadership and supervision but largely the refusal of their leaders to break their " preserved traditions" which I believe could have averted many hazing-related deaths if they were abandoned or at least adjusted to a more humane, rationale and positive means.
It is only by such honest and serious REALIZATION of our frat/sor leaders that traditions (as hazing) no longer serve their functional purpose to this day and age.
And as I have emphasized earlier in the thread, many of society's long-held traditions were abandoned because many of them have resulted to widespread genocide in most countries like slavery, ethnic purity and forced religion (which were once part of many societies' long-kept traditions before).
When will we ever learn? "The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind...the answer is blowin' in the wind." so goes the song.