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Proof na? Speculation nasad, pakit-e kog tinuod na proof diha bugo ka tangang uto-utong katoliko ka
Kuyaw kaayo kag claim na tinuod nang imaginary friend nimong bugoa ka, pakit-e sad kog kuyaw na ebidensiya dili nang speculation BUGO KA
*Proof that evolution was directed by your imaginary friend
*Proof of the existence of your imaginary friend
Ayaw cgeg atikx2 diha, Mu change topic pa kang bugoa ka ha
a proof by definition is "evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement."
Evidence: Laws of Nature.
Argument/Explanation why the Laws of Nature proves that a Creator exists as well as the directing force of Evolution:
Evolution adheres to the Law of Nature.
now given the nature and reality of a Law, Laws exist for a purpose which is evident in nature and creation itself.
now in order for purpose to exist, it requires intelligence.
ergo, the proof that an Intelligent Creator exists would be the Laws governing the universe.
Factual basis of my proof..
Fact 1: Evolution adheres to Natural Laws. if this is not a fact, kindly explain why.
Fact 2: Laws exist for a purpose. if this is not a fact, kindly explain why.
Fact 3: Purpose requires Intelligence. if this is not a fact, kindly explain why.
it's your turn, refute my argument smart a$$!
unsa may tubag nimu ato akong giingun nimu? perti man nimung isoga diri sa forum..kusog man kaayo ka mag hasi-hasi diri..sa man kita ta sa personal unya start calling me names right before my FACE.