My male friend is in a terrible situation right now.
I'll keep this short as much as I can.
There is an issue brewing between his gf and his mom. Let's just say it's been going on for months and the guy and her gf are immature, and his mom is on the good side and makes the right decisions.
The guy lives with his mom. He has no job, he does nothing but go to the gym and use his computer at home. The guy is about to leave to work abroad (Korea or Singapore, not sure). Her mom will pay for his expenses in the short-term (placement fee, etc.).
The girl is immature and talks "behind his mom's and relatives' back" in Facebook. In short, she is disrespectful to the guy's mom and relatives. The girl is sort of a gold digger, because she always asked for a breakup with the guy whenever he has no income (from sideline business). The guy has no job or income for many months now.
The mom is terribly stressed at the situation, almost getting sick/high-blood because of the girl whom terribly irritates the mom.
Guy is immature and have suicidal tendencies. He once created a suicide note after breaking up with 1 of his ex-gf (previous relationship). The current situation is like a repeat of his previous relationship. (Mom hates both girls) he is bound to leave for abroad soon.
Question, should the guy break up with the girl? I think it's a no-brainer that the guy should break up with her, but the problem is the guy is blindly in love with her (and he doesn't want to break up with her), to the point that the guy has asked his mom and relatives to text the girl in order to "make amends" of some sort. How can the guy break up with the girl? Any suggestions?