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  1. #61
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Istudyante-Ni-Pikoy View Post
    Tsk another be headed, but this time is a guy from the U.S so basin samot ka suko ani ang U.S
    ‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS | Twitchy

    I saw this yesterday, but for some reason something is a little "off" about the video.

    It seems like the captor in this video has a tint of British in his accent. There is a sudden leap in quality as beheading videos go, and idk if the one going around is the full video, but it's so strange for a group considered to be more brutal than al-Qaeda to skip over the actual beheading. I think they're trying to verify its authenticity as we speak.

    Naay possibility nga defector ni si James Foley.

  2. #62
    ISIS/ISIL/IS or caliphate...these are the groups who ventured into Syria and Assad drove them out. they were then called by western media as "rebels". when they tried their luck in Iraq and took the west by surprise as a result of a blowback (remember the west abandoned them in Syria- the bombing that was promised by USA never materialized), they are now called "terrorists".
    how convenient by the western media the quick re-labeling of these groups each time they move from one place to another sowing destruction.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Istudyante-Ni-Pikoy View Post
    Tsk another be headed, but this time is a guy from the U.S so basin samot ka suko ani ang U.S

    Foley's monologue, as delivered under duress:

    I call on my friends, family, and loved ones to rise up against my real killers, the US government. For what will happen to me is only a result of their complacency and criminality.

    My message to my beloved parents, save me some dignity, and don't accept some meagre compensation, for my death, from the same people who effectively hit the last nail in my coffin with their recent aerial campaign in Iraq.

    I call on my brother John, who is a member of the US air force. Think about what you are doing, think about the lives you destroy, including those of your own family. I call on you John, think about who made the decision to bomb Iraq recently and kill those people, whoever they may have been. Think John, who did they really kill? And did they think about me, you, our family when they made that decision?

    I died that day John, when your colleagues dropped that bomb on those people they signed my death certificate. I wish I had more time. I wish I could have the hope of freedom and seeing my family once again. But that ship has sailed. I guess all in all I wish I wasn't American.

  4. #64
    Maybe sending more women there to fight is a good idea...

    Female Kurdish Fighters Are A Problem For ISIS - Business Insider

  5. #65
    There is something about that guy, murag defector cgro.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by mr_kyme View Post
    There is something about that guy, murag defector cgro.

    so what is wrong with guy? any link to support he is a defector?

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by C'thulhu View Post
    Maybe sending more women there to fight is a good idea...

    Female Kurdish Fighters Are A Problem For ISIS - Business Insider
    Hehe Girl power

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by C'thulhu View Post
    Maybe sending more women there to fight is a good idea...

    Female Kurdish Fighters Are A Problem For ISIS - Business Insider
    as what the link says about the PKK and backed by female guerrillas:

    "Despite being designated a terrorist group by the United States for waging a decades-long battle against Turkey, the group has become a formidable opponent in the battle against ISIS."

    hehe... it is now battle between terrorists. ISIS vs. female PKKs. and the tweet says, if the PKK females kill the ISIS males, no heaven for them(ISIS males)... hehe..of course no longer chance to sleep with females if the males are killed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Istudyante-Ni-Pikoy View Post
    Hehe Girl power

    send in the female marines from USA and UK. they will be very very terrified... no heaven for them!
    Last edited by godwhacker; 08-20-2014 at 08:46 PM.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by godwhacker View Post
    so what is wrong with guy? any link to support he is a defector?
    NO. wait. I just give my thought. I didn't say there is a real link where could be a strongly basis why I said.
    I just said because I saw something from this letter
    "James Foley (next to jihadist): I call on my friends, family members and loved ones to rise up against my real killers, the U.S. government"
    So nothing, maybe I was wrong or right. Mao bitaw ni ana ko na "cgro" pag last.
    After nka basa sad ko about ani
    Was James Foley’s murderer released from Guantanamo Bay? | Twitchy
    And also when I read this
    "A European intelligence official said the British government was examining the video, and the speech of the purported executioner, to compare it with former Guantanamo Bay prisoners and other British residents believed to have joined the Islamic State.

    In the video the terrorist who killed Foley spoke in what sounded like a British accent."
    Last edited by mr_kyme; 08-20-2014 at 09:40 PM.

  10. #70
    C.I.A. rockrhyan1982's Avatar
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    It was confirm by the US and foley's family the video is authentic.while british intel confirm the man in black is british.

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