Hello, na interview ko sa Accenture. I got accepted last month and turned down their job offer. I agree with the fact that maayo sila ug benefits and privileges, however, a few things why I TURNED IT DOWN:
1.) The salary they offered me was the ceiling price. Imagine 6yrs na akong experience and they paid me just 25k. Imagine that! I currently earn just below that salary when initially I told them my salary expectation was 30k. If I wait a few more months I will earn that same amount. THEY WILL NOT RECONSIDER the offer they gave me. Arrogant sila ha! According to 2-3 more of my colleagues who turned down their job offer (all of whom were given the same rate I had AND had many more years experience) they were also given the same practiced line. "Sir, based on the evaluation of the people who interviewed you this is what they feel you should be paid." Take note mga taga Manila nag interview nimo and I hear suyaon daw kuno ni sila. They don't like the idea nga mas dako pa ta ug mas maayo pa ta nila. Therefore, I conclude this company is unreasonable and I don't work with unreasonable employers. Take note that the 25k is also the same they offer for Manila peeps. I can understand Cebuanos being paid that much given the lower cost of living but Manila at that rate? Patay ta! Gidala man nila ila reputation diri sa pagkabarat sa Cebu. Strike 1.
2.) They claim the 90+ of the Fortune 100 companies belong to them. However, I find it disturbing that they themselves are NOT part of the Fortune 100 companies. Simple logic would tell you nga if tanan sa mga datu imo mga customers definitely madatu ka. Ngiga nila noh, they mean to say they are far better than the likes of Microsoft, Oracle and Sun? It would be worth noting that the last two I mentioned aren't even in the top 100. Naa nana sila sa 200. Accenture does not fall under the fortune 500 companies. If you compare it with Lexmark naa ang Lexmark within the 500 (442 to be exact). Lexmark 36.x per share while Accenture is 38.x. Given the poor market performance of Lexmark this quarter it still a threat to Accenture (or rather Accenture does not pose a threat to existing IT companies in Cebu). I compare it to Lexmark because mao man ang pinaka duol sa ila office. Puro ra man diay ni hambug ila. Strike 2.
3.) The bond is 2 years for training in MANILA. Now if gi train ko sa Singapore, Japan, Hongkong, UK, USA or Dubai worth it unta na but 100k for a vacation tour? Even companies here in Cebu don't tie you up that long for some trivial trip such as Manila. 6months bond for such an expense is reasonable but 2yrs? What a waste of other job opportunities! Lexmark, for example, gives a bond of 2yrs for 500k. Worth it gyud to the last peso na nga training kai sa US of A gyud ka punta, a once in a lifetime opportunity for most of us. Or NEC if they send you to Japan not to mention the excess allowances you save on those trips! Hell, you can go to Manila on your vacation leave! Walay mahabilin sa imong allowance if Manila ka i-assign kai sakto2x mana ila ihatag. LOL. Again, unreasonable! Strike 3
Here's another disturbing input I got from one of their HR. They compare salaries based on OTHER ACCENTURE locations. Whatever happened to COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS? You compare your salaries with what other companies are offering new intakes. This is why this company is less competitive with existing IT companies here in Cebu. MABUHAY CEBU!
Here are some worthwhile target jobs to go if Accenture decides to hire you. If they pay you slightly higher or even the same as your current job AND the job involves ORACLE, JAVA or SAP THEN GO FOR IT. Nihit kaayo ang training ana and it's well worth the opportunity and increases your marketability especially if you have plans going abroad like Singapore, USA or DUBAI. Anything other than that, I've been told is a MCJob (n. a dead end job; a job with no future). Legacy apps daw. COBOL, DB2, Informix, C/C++. These jobs reduce your flexibility and marketability.
Other chances of getting better offers are certifications - especially in software architect level - and longer than a 10yr exp they will give a generous offer. Probably because they can't BS people with that much experience.