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  1. #31

    Dr. Daria Davidson

    Double Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Holistic Medicine
    Former President of the American Heart Association

    She has been in healthcare for over 30 years. She began her healthcare career as a registered nurse, specializing in pediatric intensive care. She is double board certified in Emergency Medicine and Holistic Medicine. During her 20 years as an emergency medicine physician, she spent 11 years working in, and running, a Level One Trauma Center. By the time she retired from emergency medicine in 2003 she had personally treated over 70,000 patients.

    When Dr. Davidson first understood about MaxGXL it took two minutes or less to recognize its magnitude. “This is probably the most significant nutritional product I'll ever see in my lifetime,” she said. The results from the many people who have experienced MaxGXL are nothing short of incredible. With 13 years of experience in the network marketing industry, Dr. Davidson sees Max International as being in a league of its own. There is a reason that so many strong leaders in the industry are joining Max. The company is young and growing at an incredible rate. The corporate team continues to grow with excellent new additions. “Max represents a business opportunity that all Associates can feel confident in representing.” She is impressed that Max WLX is another unique product with essentially no competition. Dr. Davidson is famous for saying, “We all get to live with the rewards and the consequences of our decisions.” Taking action with Max International on the product and business side will be the “reward” for so many people. It is a privilege to be part of something this big.

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

  2. #32
    up for tonight.. Msg me or txt me or call me for more information about the product.

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

  3. #33
    Good morning! Start the day with MAx GXL!

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

  4. #34
    The Master Antioxidant

    More Energy & Better Health
    As we age, and expose our bodies to stress, chemicals, pollutants, and average lifestyle habits, we begin to lose energy, vitality, mental alertness, and more. Most of us are aware that there are consequences for our actions; however the danger lies in the fallacy of believing that you will start taking better care of yourself “tomorrow.”
    Dr. Robert H. Keller, one of the world’s leading scientists, dedicated 10 years of research and development in creating MaxGXL to assist the world in its quest for a higher level of health.

    The MaxGXL Story

    The Breakthrough
    In 1994, Dr. Robert H. Keller founded The BIODORON Institute of Advanced Medicine, a state-of-the-art medical clinic specializing in cutting-edge treatment for immune system disorders and anti-aging.
    After reviewing subject lab results for years, Dr. Keller noticed a trend. He kept seeing significantly low levels of uric acid in subjects with immune disorders. He decided to explore this finding, and his initial research concluded that uric acid is the last antioxidant at the body’s disposal when all the normal antioxidants have been exhausted. As Dr. Keller has always been a strong advocate of nutrition, he went back in the literature, seeking the answer to one question: If uric acid is the body’s last defense, then what is the first? His investigation led him to a substance called glutathione.

    Glutathione (GSH): The Master Antioxidant

    Dr. Keller discovered that the most prevalent, powerful and multifunctional antioxidant in the human body – employed by every organ – is glutathione.
    Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein produced naturally in our cells if the requisite precursors are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. It has been suggested that in the future, GSH levels will be closely monitored. There are over 70,000 medical articles currently published on GSH, yet most health professionals have only a vague idea of its significance. In the near future, the importance of glutathione will be widely recognized.

    The Test

    After learning of the importance of GSH, Dr. Keller needed to test the hypothesis that the levels of GSH in subjects with immune disorders were, in fact, severely diminished. To get a current and accurate gauge of a subject’s GSH level, Dr. Keller knew the test must measure GSH inside of lymphocytes (white blood cells); however, no such lab test existed.
    Using a state-of-the-art medical laboratory, Dr. Keller and his team of scientists developed a proprietary lab test to measure levels of GSH inside the lymphocytes. The tests confirmed the hypothesis. People who are stressed, aging, lacking sleep, or with any prolonged illness utilize glutathione at an accelerated rate resulting in decreased bodily stores, weakened defenses, and increased risk of illnesses including accelerated aging.

    The Challenge

    It was clear that the GSH (Glutathione) levels needed to be replenished in these subjects. But how? Glutathione is produced naturally from three amino acids: glycine, glutamine, and cysteine. These essential precursors of GSH must be able to make it from the mouth to the gut, then through the cells walls and subsequently the mitochondrial membrane.
    Therein lies the challenge.
    Unfortunately, we can’t raise our body’s GSH level with ordinary foods or pure L-glutathione. Even though glutathione is present in many fruits, vegetables and meats, this protein is instantly broken down during digestion into its three amino acids. Cysteine, or N-acetylcysteine (NAC), is the most important of these precursors and is the main limiting factor necessary for the body to manufacture GSH. Alone in the gut after digestion, cysteine is treated as a free radical and rapidly oxidized. Consequently, only a very small percentage reaches our bloodstream and cells.
    Furthermore, GSH is always in great demand and is rapidly consumed, so any GSH that is made will be used up quickly making it even more difficult to increase this level.

    So what can MaxGXL do for you?

    MaxGXL’s Patented Formula Dramatically Increases Intracellular GSH
    MaxGXL provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body’s own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. MaxGXL also aids in liver support, thus helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

    More Energy
    Constant free radical damage overwhelms cellular energy production. Increased stress, unwise food choices, and the lack of quality sleep are other agents that damage cells and drain energy. Glutathione optimizes energy production inside every cell in your body by extinguishing free radicals and restoring cell quality.

    Immune System
    Immune system cells need glutathione to function properly. Your body’s immune system arsenal of T-cells, B-cells, and white blood cells (lymphocytes) need glutathione to perform at an optimum level.

    Cellular Detox
    The human body is under contstant attack. In today’s polluted world, toxins are found in food, water, and the air. Glutathione is one of the principle components to neutralize and dispose of these toxins. If your body lacks glutathione it is unable to detoxify itself. Your immune system, endocrine, and nervous system all become imbalanced, which in turn can lead to many health challenges.

    Peak Athletic Performance
    Glutahione plays a principle role in creating energy and helping your body utilize oxygen. Abundant glutathione levels allow your body to recover faster following strenuous exercise and neutralize free radical production that occurs naturally from exercising. The quicker you can recover from exertion, the quicker you can return to activity. Glutathione can serve as a keystone to your athletic success.

    Fight Cellular Inflammation
    Uncontrolled inflammation is at the root of most major health issues ranging from heart conditions to joint and muscular discomfort. Glutahione offsets the effects of inflammation at the cellular level. Because glutathione is present in every cell of the human body, it can regulate inflammation throughout the body.

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

  5. #35
    Do You Want Peak Physical Performance and Quick Recovery Time? It's safe, legal, and has been approved by the Athletic Banned Substance Screening Program.

    Testing based on World Anti-Doping Code Prohibited list available in 2007

    * MaxGXL can naturally increase your energy level without stimulants and quicken your recovery time between events or workouts.

    * MaxGXL has been verified (lymphocytes testing) to accelerate the production of glutathione levels in all your cells up to 299%.

    * MaxGXL purifies, defends, and energizes your cells, empowering each cell to function at its optimal level.

    Special Benefits for Athletes:

    MaxGXL is legal, safe and it works!

    A Natural Supplement approved by the Athletic Banned Substance Screening Program...
    Quick recovery time between games and workouts...
    Speeds recovery time from injuries by clearing inflammation and adding the cleansing power needed by each cell...
    Naturally increases energy without stimulants...
    Verified to increase intercellular glutathione levels up to 299%...
    Optimal performance since MaxGXL naturally energizes, cleans, and protects every cell...
    Researched and formulated by a leading medical researcher, Dr. Robert Keller to help his patients - not developed by a company...
    MaxGXL nutritional formula was awarded a Compositional Patent usually reserved for preferential drugs from Pharma companies...

    Increased Glutathione - the MaxGXL way

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

  6. #36
    up for tonight.. Msg me or txt me or call me for more information about the product.

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested or you can visit website Max GXL Glutathione Accelerator

  7. #37
    Blessed Sunday everyone... Msg me or txt me or call me for more information about the product.

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested or you can visit website Max GXL Glutathione Accelerator

  8. #38
    Glutathione is Vital for the Eyes

    The eyes contain very high concentrations of glutathione. Glutathione detoxifies the aqueous fluid of the inner eye and is essential for maintaining the transparency of the lens. Scientific studies show that glutathione plays an important role in the prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseaseand diabetic blindness.

    Increased Glutathione - the MaxGXL way!

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,900 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,300<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

  9. #39
    With Max GXL , you get results!!!

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,800 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,400<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me at 09435171274 if interested . Thanks

    website: Max GXL Glutathione Accelerator

  10. #40

    Increased Glutathione - the MaxGXL way!

    >>>>PROMO Price: P1,000 only per bottle (45 capsules) Original Price: 1,500 Save: P500<<<
    >>>PROMO Price for 1 box: P3,800 for 1 box (4 bottles) Original: P 5,200 Save: P 1,400<<<

    For more info. Just refer to my first post.

    Just pm or text me po at 09435171274 if interested

    website: Max GXL Glutathione Accelerator

  11.    Advertisement

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