Bad things happen to bad people too.. but since they are already bad, they don't get magnified as much
Bad things happen to bad people too.. but since they are already bad, they don't get magnified as much
Wa nako kaayo nibasa sa uban comments ky taas2 na. But base s ako experiences in life.
Sometimes it needs to be unfair to others in able to be fair to others pod.
Sometimes unfair s ato but wa ta kbao ang kana nga pagkaunfair s imoha is nakatabang actually ka s uban taw. We usually say nga if we have difficult problems kuno nagiging undecided to on things which makes it more difficult and prolong the agony. But instead of over analyze just apply things uve learned back when ure in elementary.
Yes and no. Plus nd minus. Kung s english subject pa. If the subject is not the answer better yet drop the subject. 😊
mas maremember man ang good deeds sa good people kong mamatay pero mao lagi tinuod gyud tong sulti sa tagalog na masamang damo matagal mamatay
no one is immune to bad things. it's how you deal with the bad things that matters.
Since good peeps allow it.
Sad but true.
"People who love to eat are always the BEST people."
Julia Child
it's the result of bad thoughts and deeds from the past... think and act positively, bad things will never happen again
the measure of a Good Man is not when Good things Come but how what he does when everything and everyone is against him.
ana mn jd ng knabuhi sa taw murag peris wheel haha
Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.
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