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  1. #1

    Default Tag pila kaha ni sa Pinas?

    Mao niy pinaka nindot ever. Smart wifi router.

    Networking - RT-AC68U - ASUS

    Pero asa kaha ta kapalit ani? kinsa to naka try ug use ani ron? gai daw ko feedback usa ka reliable iya download? ug connectivity? plan to get this one pohon...

    Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Pagkasabot nako sa features ani TS, upto 600 mbps iya data rate meaning paspas ang transfer sa data from the router to your device samot na nga dual band siya. Download? Mag agad ra na sa imo ISP subscription. Example lang mga monthly connection for a 999 plan sa pldt ha. 999 can give you 200-300 kbps dl speed at most kon duol ka sa router nimo without any walls og full bars ang connection nimo. 5mbps subcription can give you upto 600 kbps download speed. 10 mbps subscription can give you upto 1.2 mbps download speed. Meaning, your router can provide you with the closest if not full to those speed above in terms of download speed kon maayo imo wifi router. Lan connections can guaranty that speed. Wifi router like what you posted can provide you with almost if not exactly the same speed as lan connection can give you. Please do note nga dili na mo boost sa imo internet speed ang router. It can only maximize your ISP subscription's speed through the data that it transfers to your device.

  3. #3
    @juks: Thanks sa input, I already know that heheh....akong question is tag pila kaha ni sa Pinas ug asa ni mapalit? naa na ba kaha available ani? kay ug mo palit mangud ka ani I think, you dont have to buy an htpc to manage your downloads etc...and my next question pwde ba kaha ko maka download ug maski unsa ani like torrents? mao nag ask ko kinsa to naka try gamit ani.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by yugi View Post
    Mao niy pinaka nindot ever. Smart wifi router.

    Networking - RT-AC68U - ASUS

    Pero asa kaha ta kapalit ani? kinsa to naka try ug use ani ron? gai daw ko feedback usa ka reliable iya download? ug connectivity? plan to get this one pohon...

    Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
    here in singapore it's Asus RT-AC68U (USB/GBE) AC1900 ---- SGD 359

    359 x 35 pesos = PHP 12,565 more or less

    i have this at home dala na sa ako subscription sa 300mbps fibre broadband worth 59 SGD or PHP 2,065 monthly na subscription

    my 2 cents. u can't appreciate the performance of this router if you will be using it on a sluggish and walay klaro na internet speed sa pinas... or just even the reliability of the connection of our ISPs there...

    FYI u need to pair this one with a high end wireless card (higher than the usual 54mbps cheapos)... but wala man fibre sa pinas capable of reaching 300-1000 mbps... so for me wala gamit ang router if naa ka sa pinas. di mo ma maximize ang performance and features coz of the limitations with our ISPs
    Last edited by siopao1984; 07-22-2014 at 11:06 PM.

  5. #5
    unswa!!!!!! mahala routera oi.. hehehe.. di ko ka afford.. unya internet connection pa jd diri sa pinas perte ka hinay..old age.. di magamit.. angay raman diha sa inyo sir @Siopao kusug ang internet.. diba naa man toy senator nga ni propose nga bill bato? bahin sa internet connection sa pilipinas?

  6. #6
    Elite Member zhieg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    @ TS thinking tools naa duha ana did2, tag 11k+ to

  7. #7
    oh btw wala ko ka play around sa router sa settings and all. wala ko time. plug and play lang

    my wireless connecion

  8. #8
    Here in SF, CA
    $170 x P43 = PHP=7310

    Does your laptop/desktop already have 802.11ac WiFi NICs?
    You also need that to take advantage of the transfer speed.
    802.11ac USB adapters cost another $50-$80.

    Quote Originally Posted by yugi View Post
    Mao niy pinaka nindot ever. Smart wifi router.

    Networking - RT-AC68U - ASUS

    Pero asa kaha ta kapalit ani? kinsa to naka try ug use ani ron? gai daw ko feedback usa ka reliable iya download? ug connectivity? plan to get this one pohon...

    Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by siopao1984 View Post
    oh btw wala ko ka play around sa router sa settings and all. wala ko time. plug and play lang

    my wireless connecion

    that speed,

    + 6 x 2TB WD

    i can download all games !

  10. #10
    if i am not mistaken mka kuha mi anah sa amo supplier

    just add and pm miss chai at

  11.    Advertisement

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