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  1. #111

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal Bunal
    Yes, but I was speaking in context that you need God's help to change... because contrary to Scripture people also teach that we can be righteous on our own.
    yeah, i understand what you mean.. i am just clarifying that it does not end with faith. contrary to Scripture too, people also teach that we can be righteous by faith alone. it is a balance between what we believe in, and what we practice in our lives.

  2. #112

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    luwas lagi ko!, nganong parasonon man ta ani nga wala man pangutan-a? ha? ngano?

    hala, luwas tang tanan!

  3. #113

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal Bunal
    Yes, but I was speaking in context that you need God's help to change... because contrary to Scripture people also teach that we can be righteous on our own.

    It starts by faith --> which then manifests into a person changing his life and doing good works because he is God's workmanship -- > And in the end, he is still justified by faith. [1]

    What James says, "Show me your faith without deeds and I'll show you my faith by what I do." is an illustration of how good works manifest by faith.


    1.Rom. 4: 24 - 25
    I so agree with you sir. It is the Spirit of GOD that reveal this through His word in the Bible to you. Crystal clear sir in deed to take it in context all the time. GOD bless you.

  4. #114

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    Any person living on this world having faith in God will surely be saved.

  5. #115

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    Matud pa ni Scot Stap....

    Hold me now!!!!!! I'm six feet on the edge and I'm slippppahn! Maybe six feet, is sooo far dow.....

    hala ubosa aning six feet oi! Save me!

  6. #116

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by nItO/pIrEnA
    Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    ngano nangutana man ka? plano nimo mang-recruit sa imong simbahan?
    Nagutana lan, nahan man ko makabalo if unsa tubag sa uban. di diay pwede?
    Ug nganu gud tawn i recruit taka sa amu simbahan nga di ma nah employment agency amu simbahan, di sad security agency, labaw nang dili nah Networking company amu simbahan.


  7. #117

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    ang kusog morecruit tong una kay forever living, legacy ug karun kanang nuskin dha sa QC pavillon, MLN tanan.

  8. #118

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    I believe that's it's only through faith. IF your faith is real, then you will experience GENUINE change in your life (good works). Real faith translates to good works. Jesus never asked the robber in Calvary to "step down and pag binuotan muna before you will be with me in paradise". It was clear the robber had genuine faith in JEsus, and in turn he said, "Today, you will be with me in paradise.".

    By ourselves we cannot do good works. It is the work of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us that we are able to do all these things.

    Just my own two sentimos.

  9. #119

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    youp. life changing faith after being saved, good works become an instant thing so to speak.

  10. #120

    Default Re: If someone ask you "Luwas na ba ka?", whats ur answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by mr.ho_chia2
    youp. life changing faith after being saved, good works become an instant thing so to speak.
    OT: What happened to your original nick? Antagonized someone?

  11.    Advertisement

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