Originally Posted by
Answer those why's and maybe you'll understand why, and maybe you will also find the answer why we have no right to ask them why.
This is a very complicated issue against the Government and I totally agree to all simple explanation why you people protest. But protesting does not bring us any results for decades and can be defined as well as futile or has been futile. Making the million of Filipino change at once is indeed impossible and I even quoted it "impossible", but what I am trying to say is what if we try it that way, one step at a time and maybe, just maybe we'll get there rather than keep on protesting. Now if that is impossible, then it leaves us no right to protest or we can have your hopeless protest for the rest of our lives, this Government will never change not unless the people who made this government change, and that is my point.
impossible for people to instantaneously "change". Mas-impossible if there is nobody to lead them? wa jud ka kasabot sa pi-pila nang post? Whether you ask for an instantaneous OR gradual change it won't happen without the leadership (the government) demonstrating change! Baliktad mana imu, you are asking the many to lead the few into a change. Imung pagsabot goes against primal human behavior.

Originally Posted by
For your BTW question, my answer is none that I know of.
Let me have my BTW question for you. Can you tell me an instance in our very own time that we Filipino get what we want through a countless protest and benefited by it?
Hacienda Luisita being brought into arbitration in the SC?
How about the U.S. Naval Base in Subic?
How about the closure of the Bataan Nuclear Plant?
One of the main reasons the PDAF is to be omitted from the next budget is because of protests.
Those are just to name a few.
and that only includes protests in the national level. Naa pay protests that are not of National interest.