Hala cge padaun dha... cge pa ember basin naa pa kay makat.onan
Ot na jud kaau, It all started in a single point of view. Then you begin choosing words from my comments and give your own definition of it without or even trying to understand the whole context. You even contest your own words when I try to give a compliment to it and pass it back to you. Well it is just a simple test, for me to know if you ever understand what I am trying to say. Now it may sound a little bit arrogant but, for me it is one of the characteristics of our Politician that they will never listen to what their people have to say when they already have something in their mind. They prefer to close it even how educated they were. Upon saying that, you can be a good Politician, Sir.
Anyways, those ideas were not necessarily came from any of distinguished persona to be viable to apply to our present situation. Ideas that may seemed odd from what we used to do, but it will never bring us further damaged coz we already badly wounded.
Educate the citizen not to act like savages like when there is a problem "protest".
Indeed we need a Leader to lead, but how can he be so effective when his own people "protest, protest and protest".
^^^^ People protest because the leader is not effective specially your beloved ABNOY
ang sa ibabao ray nabusug! ahehehehe,..
ang naa sa ubos, gutum japon...
bilib kng Pnoy ky iyaha tanan SALO ang mga nendot nga nahitabo sa pinas, iyahang dungug, like peace deal sa MILF ug uban pa.
apan dili iyaha blue print. dli siya ang nag sugud. igo ra siyang nisalo tanan sa dungug. wahahaha
Lol ako pay nagsugod sa OT kuno. Ikaw ray ni-abot ug voting2x, nga ang topic is about a president who can't relate, ayaw pamasa brad. Still...
You don't refute my rebuttals. You only skim around, without actually making a point.
You know why di maminaw ang tao? It is simply because the leadership is not there. I'm not trying to say nga wlay deficiencies ang mga Pilipino, daghan ra. But if you are asking 100 million people, or even a million, or even a thousand people to just change, it is futile--it just doesn't happen like that. I don't know if you're thinking is influenced by a movie or something, but in real life application dili na mahitabo. Kylangan na sila ug leader, and the people who are in the best position to lead are in the government, but the people in the government are a bunch of callous, self-interest driven ****s (which by the way is the reason there are people who criticize or even complain about it). If the government does not have control or power over anything, a dummy like you espoused, why would Filipinos make a big deal out of electing people into it? Why do people spend lots of money to campaign for elections? Why would some candidates cheat just to get into those positions?
I gave PNoy the benefit of the doubt early on in his term. I always knew he didn't have the ability to make good decisions nor the charisma, but at least he was a figure that comes from a treasured National symbol, someone who a lot of Filipinos really respect, admire etc. So if he can lead by example or demonstrate sa mga pamatasan nga sakto, it would be a huge step forward. But no, four years into his term, a lot of his promises remain unfulfilled, paboran ang mga kauban, sigeg pamasa sa blame, sige rag panghambog, and as evidenced ani nga issue, he is oblivious to the state of things. So people have a right to be angry at him.
If wa gihapon ka kasabot ana nga point, then you are hopeless. BTW Can you tell me an instance in the time of man where a group or collection of people accomplished a task without any semblance of leadership?
Answer those why's and maybe you'll understand why, and maybe you will also find the answer why we have no right to ask them why.
This is a very complicated issue against the Government and I totally agree to all simple explanation why you people protest. But protesting does not bring us any results for decades and can be defined as well as futile or has been futile. Making the million of Filipino change at once is indeed impossible and I even quoted it "impossible", but what I am trying to say is what if we try it that way, one step at a time and maybe, just maybe we'll get there rather than keep on protesting. Now if that is impossible, then it leaves us no right to protest or we can have your hopeless protest for the rest of our lives, this Government will never change not unless the people who made this government change, and that is my point.
For your BTW question, my answer is none that I know of.
Let me have my BTW question for you. Can you tell me an instance in our very own time that we Filipino get what we want through a countless protest and benefited by it?
pagka botbotona na lang gyud nimo pnoy ,unsa gud tawn unaffected ? naa sguro ni siya laing kalibutan gipuy an
Wow!ana lang noh?di ra kaayo sila mahalan..pastilan! AbNO jud ni c PNAY
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