-CM Elite 120 Advanced Mini ITX Case
-Accessories that comes from the Original Package
-No User Manual (Gikaon sa anay)
-100% Functionality
-99% Aesthetics (Mura pa gyud ni ug Bag-o)
-I am the original owner (2nd Hand ni nimu)
-1 year,24days in used (Gilimpyohan,naka-box)
-Php. 1,250 (Orig. Price: Php. 2,200)
-Reach me @+639096439709
-I am not in a hurry to sell this so lowballers out
-If dili mahalin ako na lang ni gamiton for my 2nd build
-Also very willing to trade-in for PC Parts esp. HDD 1-2tb or Nuctua NH-U12S, will ADD CASH if needed
-PM or TEXT lang sa mga intresado, be detailed as possible
Item Location:
-Near Mahogany Groove Subdivision
-Pwede Meet-ups, Basta 1 ride lang from Tintay Public Market
Sold to converse23
Daghang Salamat!!!