How to make your WordPress installation Secure
WordPress is one of the most popular blog today. As it is the most popular application there are numerous hackers who are honing their skills to make it to the big leagues.
WordPress is pretty secure and they provide frequent updates but we can make the installation more secure by following some simple steps :
1. The most easiest way is to be updated with WordPress
WordPress provides security updates immediately if a loop hole is detected, so being updated with WordPress will help you to be more secure. It hardly takes a minute to update WordPress with Softaculous.
2. Generic admin username
Most users make a mistake by continuing with the default username for the administrator account ie is admin. Its a common username and every hacker would know that. Choose a username other than admin you can use your name i.e. john as your username. You can choose the username on the install form.
3. Choose a Strong Password
Using a simple password is a bad idea. Use a password that is more secure to let the hackers stay away from you. Use a combination of alphabets, numbers and special characters.
4. Secure permissions to the config file
The wp-config.php file contains all the configuration and settings of WordPress, exposing this file to hackers is a very big threat to your blog they could easily inject malware into your blog or delete the content on your blog. The solution for this is to revoke the permission to the config file. The WordPress config file is wp-config.php which located in the root directory of your installation. Change the permission to something safe like 0600if suPHP is enabled on your server. You can ask your host to confirm which permission is suitable on your server.
5. Backup regularly
Backing up your installation is very important because if your installation is hacked you can restore your installation from the backup. You should always take a back up of your database and files, it is recommended to take a weekly backup of your data there are several plugins that will do it for you or you can use Softaculous to backup and restore your installation.
6. Plugins
Make a point to update the plugins when there is an update available. It is always a good idea to be updated. Also, if you are not using a specific plugin, delete it.
Source: Announcements - KGL Softouch Web Solutions
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