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I always heard it from the foreigners. I witness it myself. Mactan island has no cultural value. Our culture in Mactan island only goes as far as the memorial of magellan and the statue of Lapu-Lapu. After that its *** tours and lamp post. Right? if only we can sense and realize how lucky we are living in Cebu specially Mactan island. How this small island full of history can do more than *** tours ( and japanese xxx filmaking ) can do for its inhabitants. Its history is vastly rich. You can read it in local as well as international books, specially with the name of Magellan on it. The island is related to the earliest naval navigation of history.
It seems that the ones giving importance to the island are foreigners and other not living in the island. Lapu-Lapu itself has already been the subject of some PC games, animations, movies etc., But not at the expence of the Lapu-lapu City government. Alright we dont have to literally invest monetary, but perhaps the government there should try to see its real value. There is no cultural direction. Its been sub-cultured!
I have talk to an travel agency owner in Boracay, and he tells me that mactan Island is know for its *** tours. Its true! we know its true. Does mactan Island really has a cultural value or cultural direction?
talking about culture and *** aside... seriously it's not only a mactan issue. the philippines as a whole no longer posses a unique culture. sa man ato culture na mura naman ta ug mga westerners culture wise. unlike india and thailand, japan and china na rich kaayo culture wise and they value and they're proud of their culture. kita pinoy all we want is to be americano in every way.