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* Be as persistent or better yet a hundred times more persistent than him in saying NO!
Hopefully he will wake up one morning and get the picture.
That got me thinking....better draw him a picture via Photoshop or Powerpoint! Perhaps you could do the following...
1) You could paint the words NO! PLEASE GIVE ME UP on his bedroom window so when he wakes up he would see that plus a picture of you to remember him by, with dedication "Appreciate all the Attention but No thank you for the Love!
2) Do A Love Actually Board Telegram. Like in the film Love Actually, present to the persistent suitor, several illustration boards detailing in BOLD LETTERS reasons why you want to be left alone. Maganda kung meron kang portable CD/MP3 player with Annie Lennox's song "No More I Love Yous".
3) Ask your persistent suitor what are the reasons s/he likes you. If your suitor is into you because you are such a neat person who's into hygeine. Perhaps some dirt on your hands and under your nails, and not wearing cologne/deodorant everytime you are together will add weight to your words.
4) If your suitor is a guy, do an Ally Mcbeal~! (for clarification, just PM me)
5) Come on help the guy out...if not you, then help him find an ideal substitute to love and adore. Don't just point him to the right direction, please take him there, set up the date, get them together and you'll not lose a friend.. you'll gain two!