Sakto. Wala nay biligya diri.Originally Posted by cen
Hmmmm!... Ok raman na xa ang netbeans. Pero if magsawa gane ka, try bluej...Originally Posted by yorts
simplified version ra man yata na ang bluej sa netbeans.. or subset nga version.. wala pa ko nakatry ana.. but i think netbeans is better..
Actually, ang BlueJ is for educational purposes ra man. Dili man na siya pag-development. It is more on Object Modelling.Originally Posted by zengatsu
According to their site "BlueJ is an integrated Java environment specifically designed for introductory teaching."
waaaaah kaninumdum noon ko sa ako project before. Nakahimo ko ug scientific calculator when i was 2nd year college. Textpad pa gyud tawn to ako gigamit.Originally Posted by zengatsu
Sakto si zengatsu. If you want to learn ayaw mo gamit anang mga "what you see is what you get" style nga editors.
Try using eclipse its free and its easy to use.
i'm having trouble understanding using reference variables in methods... in C/C++, i just use the */& symbols for referencing.. but in Java, that isn't it.
Anyone willing to explain to me how to use reference variables?
I think dugay naman ka naka-gamit reference sa java.Originally Posted by ares623
p is a actually an object reference. At this point is points to nothing.Code:Person p;
If you invoke this...
p is now pointing on object Person in memory. Take note! the real object is on the memory.Code:Person p=new Person(); // same as malloc in C
I'm unsticking this. It doesn't seem important enough to clutter up the stickied posts. PM me with objections and insults if you disagree.
so, when i pass p to a method, and in the method change it's value without returning anything, p would change?Originally Posted by cen
yup p would change because p is a reference object. Try to experiment it...Originally Posted by ares623
5 minutes of programming is better than 5 hour of reading tutorials (click link). How much more if you combine both. Programming after reading the tutorials.Thats how our brain works in programming...
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