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Thread: Q&A Challenge

  1. #151
    Banned User Platinum Member
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    Do Earth gain or lose weight?

  2. #152
    ^ Weight on Earth = mass X acceleration due to Earth's gravity (9.8 m/s/s)

    same concept applies to other celestial objects with gravity

    Weight with respect to?

  3. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by jadestoner View Post
    alphabetically chicken ma-una since it starts with the letter C

    kung sa SCIENCE BASEHAN via the Evolution theory then egg first kay the first eggs weren't laid by a chicken since chickens evolved from more primitive avian species or reptiles

    kung THEOLOGY and the creationism belief then Chicken jud ang ma-una kay wala man jud na mention of any eggs created by thet creator as evidenced here:
    According to Genesis 1:
    20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

    Kung sa belief in the CYCLICAL VIEW OF TIME sa mga religious sects and religions nga mu-believe og reincarnation WALAY FIRST since one was born out of the other and their belief is in that time is eternally repetitive. libog kaayo ni nga issue ang cyclical view for me kay wala pa kaayo ko kabasa ani. hehehe

    for me personally wala jud ni cya klaro nga answer kay it can be answered na-una ang itlog, na-una ang manok, or walay nag-una kay naa sila dungan.
    mas na una daw ang eggs, kay una man si Adam gi himu ni lord

  4. #154
    You guys should watch BREAKING BAD hahaha

  5. #155
    C.I.A. Sarevok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonfall View Post
    What is the hardest part of the human body?
    Mutry ko answer ani kay murag kahibaw ko sa answer

    Our inner ear has 3 small bones called the hammer, anvil and stirrup. I guess the hardest one is the hammer?

    Here's my question: Theoretically speaking, in which place can you see the back of your head without using a mirror? Assuming you'll survive of course
    Last edited by Sarevok; 05-27-2014 at 04:48 PM.

  6. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonfall View Post
    What is the hardest part of the human body?
    I'm trying to give up sexual innuendos... but it's hard... so hard...

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by simoncpu View Post
    I'm trying to give up sexual innuendos... but it's hard... so hard...
    ulo kai mao mai permi sultion s akoang mama... gahia ulo nimo dong oi

    enamel diay ang answer

  8. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post
    Mutry ko answer ani kay murag kahibaw ko sa answer

    Our inner ear has 3 small bones called the hammer, anvil and stirrup. I guess the hardest one is the hammer?

    Here's my question: Theoretically speaking, in which place can you see the back of your head without using a mirror? Assuming you'll survive of course
    It's actually tooth enamel.
    @simoncpu lol

  9. #159
    C.I.A. Sarevok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonfall View Post
    It's actually tooth enamel.
    @simoncpu lol
    awp enamel diay

    walay mu-answer sa akong question?

    Here's my question: Theoretically speaking, in which place can you see the back of your head without using a mirror? Assuming you'll survive of course

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post
    walay mu-answer sa akong question?
    Reflective surfaces can be used as a mirror, so I guess I can't answer water or something. We can construct a lensless camera (yepp they exist), and view the back of our heads with a glassless e-ink, but it's a boring answer.

    I propose that we observe the back of our head by using immense gravity field to bend light that has reflected from the back of our heads into the front of our heads. Of course, our atoms would be ripped off in the process, but who cares?

    Another method is to find a traversible wormhole and accelerate one end to the speed of light and bend it back to its point of origin. Effects on time dilation means that the accelerated end of the wormhole has aged more than the stationary end, so if you enter the accelerated end, you can see the back of the head of your past self. You can even sleep with your past self! Hahahaha...

    I love typing BS on the Internet. Hehehe...

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