I have a love story to tell, a story which made me decide for the changes. A few years ago, I fell in love and had a son with a tranny. The moment we decided to have a family of our own, I forgot the urge of putting myself in a relationship with the same gender. We’re in different worlds, but had the same purpose of being together that is to love and be loved in return. Everything went well for the first few years of our relationship until one day it all turned out to be a nightmare. Prior to it, he first then transitioned himself back to becoming a man, his way of proving his love to me. In the long run, he started to feel the urge of transitioning himself back to being a tranny. It broke my heart, I could say that I was given the wrong expectations and he has proven to me that promises are really made to be broken. He started to take hormones, we began to have fights. I wasn’t just emotionally hurt, but I was as well physically battered. For a few times it happened, but I just managed to hide the pain and control my temper. Eventually I lost track of my patience, and learned to fight back physically and emotionally.
Everything seems to be a nightmare for me, but I just couldn’t leave him because I was so much in love with him and the fact that we have a son, who I don’t want to grow up without having a father to consider. What he wants he gets and all I did was to wait for him to come back to his senses. I didn’t have a choice but agree to whatever condition he has, his pills in particular. I was then introduced to this site, which somehow diverted my attention. A BIG thanks to istorya.net. I met people, and learned to confide in my dilemmas in the forum as well as to those people who became very close to me. First few meet-ups, I felt attracted with someone from the zone, call it infatuation. I never hid anything from him, could it be that I’m attracted with other guys or girls, he surely knows everything. We came to the point of having an agreement, He could take his pills, while I could do whatever I want in or outside the forum. Call it open relationship. I met my first girl, our relationship lasted for over a year, it didn’t work because in the end it became so complicated. Polyamory relationship it is. He wasn’t able to manage his emotions and started to get jealous. We started to fight again, and asked me to break up with the girl, however I just couldn’t because I don’t play around once I commit myself with someone unless given the consent. For some reasons, I didn’t wanna break her heart, and so he left.
I had always been the antagonist in this story, because people including my friends sees him as the victim and me as the player. Looks can really be deceiving. I couldn’t blame the people if they were highly convinced by the story teller, for as long as I know there are always two sides of the story. Since then I never considered his friends as mine. A few months after our break-up, he came back to me after an unexpected accident that happened to our son We both tried to work it out, fights and complications however are still there, but this time it made me to become the stronger one. I became dominant, uncontrollable and most of all insensitive. My experience with him made me evil and untouchable.
Just a few months ago, we again broke-up, admittedly it was my fault, and this time I was dating someone without letting him know. I was caught red handed, and I couldn’t further explain myself to him. He again left. It has always been routinary in our relationship that once we break-up we always get back. Our son perhaps could be the reason for everything. This time he became more possessive, impulsive and became more of the jealous type. I feel like I’m tied up, feels like I’m in a prison cell. Every new friend I meet, threatens him. He became so paranoid and difficult to understand. My attention is all he wants for me to prove my love for him. Everything he wants me to do, I should do. I get reprimanded to do things that could sometimes make me happy. I have given him all the freedom he wants and the right to control our family, but in the end, still it’s all coming back to me.