I was banking on low sugar though.
Both parents' side are diabetic and most cause of deaths
in the family are due to diabetic complications. I was told
to go easy on sweets and gave me meds to avoid since I'm
not yet on the borderline. Anyway, it's also why I changed
into a healthy lifestyle.
What I usually eat are one cup rice, tuna, veggies and fruits then green
tea for breakfast and dinner. On weekends I eat lil meat and sweets.
I dance, weight train and run for my work out on weekdays.
Today I did some carbo loading in prep for my run on Sunday.
I had seafood lomi, fried rice, fish and adobo for breakfast/lunch then
sandwiches and pineapple juice for dinner.
As for the dizzy spells, I've noticed it close to two weeks na
I'll have my med check up next week. I'm just asking in advance.