I have a 8-month puppy named cookie, a small type japspitz-poodle. On his 4th month he experienced a sudden collapse/fainting. The 2nd attack was just this month, now before he fainted he kept on barking (we thought it was normal because he was on a leash) and then suddenly kept falling while walking and then fainted. We rushed again to the vet hospital and they found out that "pork fat" caused it. The 3rd attack was after one week after we checked him out. Still the same, he barked, we unleashed him and so he still kept falling, his limbs are so weak and then fainted. He was coughing and trying to breathe for air.. Again we rushed to the hospital and there the vet ran some tests because the condition seems recurring.. And so the result was that my cookie has a congenital heart failure.. When we checked him out again, we took care of him in a way that we did not put him on a leash anymore and during night time we keep him away from our dogs.. but then after 2 days, we rushed again to the hospital.. the vet asked us if we consider euthanasia or invest for his medications.. As i researched, survival rate is crucial..
Do you have an advice or the same experience like we had? I cannot afford to think killing my dog..