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  1. #21

    *Thanks for This

    The genius of a man lies not only in his

    scientific knowledge but in the way he can

    share it with other people. -Bangkilan



  2. #22
    oh I love this so much. This is very helpful yet FREE. ahahha. I just learned about this very recently and I've been using this for teaching. I even sometimes view this to my students if I feel that they are not learning from my lectures. You know, a learning material that they can use to compare and contrast concepts. I highly recommend Khan Academy

  3. #23
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. #24
    They've got a Youtube channel. Been a subscriber for teh year or so.
    Khan Academy - YouTube

  5. #25
    The Feynman Lectures on Physics

    Thanks to Caltech and to Michael Gottlieb and Rudolf Pfeiffer of the Feynman Lectures Website, volume III of Richard Feynman's famous lectures on physics is now freely available in a user-friendly HTML format. Volume I has already been converted to HTML. Volume II is next.

    The Feynman Lectures on Physics

    Feynman • Leighton • Sands

    Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Now, anyone with internet access and a web browser can enjoy reading a high-quality up-to-date copy of Feynman's legendary lectures. This edition has been designed for ease of reading on devices of any size or shape; text, figures and equations can all be zoomed without degradation.1

    served by Caltech (mirror, generally faster)

    served by The Feynman Lectures Website

    Volume I

    mainly mechanics, radiation and heat

    Volume I

    mainly mechanics, radiation and heat

    Volume II


    mainly electromagnetism and matter

    Volume II


    mainly electromagnetism and matter

    Volume III

    quantum mechanics

    Volume III

    quantum mechanics

    For comments or questions about this edition please contact Michael Gottlieb.

    Richard Feynman talking with a teaching assistant after the lecture on The Dependence of Amplitudes on Time, Robert Leighton and Matthew Sands in background, April 29, 1963.

    Photograph by Tom Harvey. Copyright © California Institute of Technology.

    The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume I

    mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat


    (single-column TOC)

    Preface to the New Millennium Edition

    Feynman's Preface


    Chapter 1. Atoms in Motion

    1-1 Introduction

    1-2 Matter is made of atoms

    1-3 Atomic processes

    1-4 Chemical reactions

    Chapter 2. Basic Physics

    2-1 Introduction

    2-2 Physics before 1920

    2-3 Quantum physics

    2-4 Nuclei and particles

    Chapter 3. The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences

    3-1 Introduction
    3-2 Chemistry
    3-3 Biology
    3-4 Astronomy
    3-5 Geology
    3-6 Psychology
    3-7 How did it get that way?

    Chapter 4. Conservation of Energy

    4-1 What is energy?
    4-2 Gravitational potential energy
    4-3 Kinetic energy
    4-4 Other forms of energy

    Chapter 5. Time and Distance

    5-1 Motion
    5-2 Time
    5-3 Short times
    5-4 Long times
    5-5 Units and standards of time
    5-6 Large distances
    5-7 Short distances

    Chapter 6. Probability

    6-1 Chance and likelihood
    6-2 Fluctuations
    6-3 The random walk
    6-4 A probability distribution
    6-5 The uncertainty principle

    Chapter 7. The Theory of Gravitation

    7-1 Planetary motions
    7-2 Kepler’s laws
    7-3 Development of dynamics
    7-4 Newton’s law of gravitation
    7-5 Universal gravitation
    7-6 Cavendish’s experiment
    7-7 What is gravity?
    7-8 Gravity and relativity

    Chapter 8. Motion

    8-1 Description of motion
    8-2 Speed
    8-3 Speed as a derivative
    8-4 Distance as an integral
    8-5 Acceleration

    Chapter 9. Newton’s Laws of Dynamics

    9-1 Momentum and force
    9-2 Speed and velocity
    9-3 Components of velocity, acceleration, and force
    9-4 What is the force?
    9-5 Meaning of the dynamical equations
    9-6 Numerical solution of the equations
    9-7 Planetary motions

    Chapter 10. Conservation of Momentum

    10-1 Newton’s Third Law
    10-2 Conservation of momentum
    10-3 Momentum is conserved!
    10-4 Momentum and energy
    10-5 Relativistic momentum

    Chapter 11. Vectors

    11-1 Symmetry in physics
    11-2 Translations
    11-3 Rotations
    11-4 Vectors
    11-5 Vector algebra
    11-6 Newton’s laws in vector notation
    11-7 Scalar product of vectors

    Chapter 12. Characteristics of Force

    12-1 What is a force?
    12-2 Friction
    12-3 Molecular forces
    12-4 Fundamental forces. Fields
    12-5 Pseudo forces
    12-6 Nuclear forces

    Chapter 13. Work and Potential Energy (A)

    13-1 Energy of a falling body
    13-2 Work done by gravity
    13-3 Summation of energy
    13-4 Gravitational field of large objects

    Chapter 14. Work and Potential Energy (conclusion)

    14-1 Work
    14-2 Constrained motion
    14-3 Conservative forces
    14-4 Nonconservative forces
    14-5 Potentials and fields

    Chapter 15. The Special Theory of Relativity

    15-1 The principle of relativity
    15-2 The Lorentz transformation
    15-3 The Michelson-Morley experiment
    15-4 Transformation of time
    15-5 The Lorentz contraction
    15-6 Simultaneity
    15-7 Four-vectors
    15-8 Relativistic dynamics
    15-9 Equivalence of mass and energy

    Chapter 16. Relativistic Energy and Momentum

    16-1 Relativity and the philosophers
    16-2 The twin paradox
    16-3 Transformation of velocities
    16-4 Relativistic mass
    16-5 Relativistic energy

    Chapter 17. Space-Time

    17-1 The geometry of space-time
    17-2 Space-time intervals
    17-3 Past, present, and future
    17-4 More about four-vectors
    17-5 Four-vector algebra

    Chapter 18. Rotation in Two Dimensions

    18-1 The center of mass
    18-2 Rotation of a rigid body
    18-3 Angular momentum
    18-4 Conservation of angular momentum

    Chapter 19. Center of Mass; Moment of Inertia

    19-1 Properties of the center of mass
    19-2 Locating the center of mass
    19-3 Finding the moment of inertia
    19-4 Rotational kinetic energy

    Chapter 20. Rotation in space

    20-1 Torques in three dimensions
    20-2 The rotation equations using cross products
    20-3 The gyroscope
    20-4 Angular momentum of a solid body

    Chapter 21. The Harmonic Oscillator

    21-1 Linear differential equations
    21-2 The harmonic oscillator
    21-3 Harmonic motion and circular motion
    21-4 Initial conditions
    21-5 Forced oscillations

    Chapter 22. Algebra

    22-1 Addition and multiplication
    22-2 The inverse operations
    22-3 Abstraction and generalization
    22-4 Approximating irrational numbers
    22-5 Complex numbers
    22-6 Imaginary exponents

    Chapter 23. Resonance

    23-1 Complex numbers and harmonic motion
    23-2 The forced oscillator with damping
    23-3 Electrical resonance
    23-4 Resonance in nature

    Chapter 24. Transients

    24-1 The energy of an oscillator
    24-2 Damped oscillations
    24-3 Electrical transients

    Chapter 25. Linear Systems and Review

    25-1 Linear differential equations
    25-2 Superposition of solutions
    25-3 Oscillations in linear systems
    25-4 Analogs in physics
    25-5 Series and parallel impedances

    Chapter 26. Optics: The Principle of Least Time

    26-1 Light
    26-2 Reflection and refraction
    26-3 Fermat’s principle of least time
    26-4 Applications of Fermat’s principle
    26-5 A more precise statement of Fermat’s principle
    26-6 How it works

    Chapter 27. Geometrical Optics

    27-1 Introduction
    27-2 The focal length of a spherical surface
    27-3 The focal length of a lens
    27-4 Magnification
    27-5 Compound lenses
    27-6 Aberrations
    27-7 Resolving power

    Chapter 28. Electromagnetic Radiation

    28-1 Electromagnetism
    28-2 Radiation
    28-3 The dipole radiator
    28-4 Interference

    Chapter 29. Interference

    29-1 Electromagnetic waves
    29-2 Energy of radiation
    29-3 Sinusoidal waves
    29-4 Two dipole radiators
    29-5 The mathematics of interference

    Chapter 30. Diffraction

    30-1 The resultant amplitude due to n equal oscillators
    30-2 The diffraction grating
    30-3 Resolving power of a grating
    30-4 The parabolic antenna
    30-5 Colored films; crystals
    30-6 Diffraction by opaque screens
    30-7 The field of a plane of oscillating charges

    Chapter 31. The Origin of the Refractive Index

    31-1 The index of refraction
    31-2 The field due to the material
    31-3 Dispersion
    31-4 Absorption
    31-5 The energy carried by an electric wave
    31-6 Diffraction of light by a screen

    Chapter 32. Radiation Damping. Light Scattering

    32-1 Radiation resistance
    32-2 The rate of radiation of energy
    32-3 Radiation damping
    32-4 Independent sources
    32-5 Scattering of light

    Chapter 33. Polarization

    33-1 The electric vector of light
    33-2 Polarization of scattered light
    33-3 Birefringence
    33-4 Polarizers
    33-5 Optical activity
    33-6 The intensity of reflected light
    33-7 Anomalous refraction

    Chapter 34. Relativistic Effects in Radiation

    34-1 Moving sources
    34-2 Finding the “apparent” motion
    34-3 Synchrotron radiation
    34-4 Cosmic synchrotron radiation
    34-5 Bremsstrahlung
    34-6 The Doppler effect
    34-7 The ω, k four-vector
    34-8 Aberration
    34-9 The momentum of light

    Chapter 35. Color Vision

    35-1 The human eye
    35-2 Color depends on intensity
    35-3 Measuring the color sensation
    35-4 The chromaticity diagram
    35-5 The mechanism of color vision
    35-6 Physiochemistry of color vision

    Chapter 36. Mechanisms of Seeing

    36-1 The sensation of color
    36-2 The physiology of the eye
    36-3 The rod cells
    36-4 The compound (insect) eye
    36-5 Other eyes
    36-6 Neurology of vision

    Chapter 37. Quantum Behavior

    37-1 Atomic mechanics
    37-2 An experiment with bullets
    37-3 An experiment with waves
    37-4 An experiment with electrons
    37-5 The interference of electron waves
    37-6 Watching the electrons
    37-7 First principles of quantum mechanics
    37-8 The uncertainty principle

    Chapter 38. The Relation of Wave and Particle Viewpoints

    38-1 Probability wave amplitudes
    38-2 Measurement of position and momentum
    38-3 Crystal diffraction
    38-4 The size of an atom
    38-5 Energy levels
    38-6 Philosophical implications

    Chapter 39. The Kinetic Theory of Gases

    39-1 Properties of matter
    39-2 The pressure of a gas
    39-3 Compressibility of radiation
    39-4 Temperature and kinetic energy
    39-5 The ideal gas law

    Chapter 40. The Principles of Statistical Mechanics

    40-1 The exponential atmosphere
    40-2 The Boltzmann law
    40-3 Evaporation of a liquid
    40-4 The distribution of molecular speeds
    40-5 The specific heats of gases
    40-6 The failure of classical physics

    Chapter 41. The Brownian Movement

    41-1 Equipartition of energy
    41-2 Thermal equilibrium of radiation
    41-3 Equipartition and the quantum oscillator
    41-4 The random walk

    Chapter 42. Applications of Kinetic Theory

    42-1 Evaporation
    42-2 Thermionic emission
    42-3 Thermal ionization
    42-4 Chemical kinetics
    42-5 Einstein’s laws of radiation

    Chapter 43. Diffusion

    43-1 Collisions between molecules
    43-2 The mean free path
    43-3 The drift speed
    43-4 Ionic conductivity
    43-5 Molecular diffusion
    43-6 Thermal conductivity

    Chapter 44. The Laws of Thermodynamics

    44-1 Heat engines; the first law
    44-2 The second law
    44-3 Reversible engines
    44-4 The efficiency of an ideal engine
    44-5 The thermodynamic temperature
    44-6 Entropy

    Chapter 45. Illustrations of Thermodynamics

    45-1 Internal energy
    45-2 Applications
    45-3 The Clausius-Clapeyron equation

    Chapter 46. Ratchet and pawl

    46-1 How a ratchet works
    46-2 The ratchet as an engine
    46-3 Reversibility in mechanics
    46-4 Irreversibility
    46-5 Order and entropy

    Chapter 47. Sound. The wave equation

    47-1 Waves
    47-2 The propagation of sound
    47-3 The wave equation
    47-4 Solutions of the wave equation
    47-5 The speed of sound

    Chapter 48. Beats

    48-1 Adding two waves
    48-2 Beat notes and modulation
    48-3 Side bands
    48-4 Localized wave trains
    48-5 Probability amplitudes for particles
    48-6 Waves in three dimensions
    48-7 Normal modes

    Chapter 49. Modes

    49-1 The reflection of waves
    49-2 Confined waves, with natural frequencies
    49-3 Modes in two dimensions
    49-4 Coupled pendulums
    49-5 Linear systems

    Chapter 50. Harmonics

    50-1 Musical tones
    50-2 The Fourier series
    50-3 Quality and consonance
    50-4 The Fourier coefficients
    50-5 The energy theorem
    50-6 Nonlinear responses

    Chapter 51. Waves

    51-1 Bow waves
    51-2 Shock waves
    51-3 Waves in solids
    51-4 Surface waves

    Chapter 52. Symmetry in Physical Laws

    52-1 Symmetry operations
    52-2 Symmetry in space and time
    52-3 Symmetry and conservation laws
    52-4 Mirror reflections
    52-5 Polar and axial vectors
    52-6 Which hand is right?
    52-7 Parity is not conserved!
    52-8 Antimatter
    52-9 Broken symmetries

    Copyright © 1963, 2006, 2013 by the California Institute of Technology,
    Michael A. Gottlieb, and Rudolf Pfeiffer

  6. #26
    sus nitabang nako ni nga mupasar sa una. haha

  7. #27
    Gamit jud kaau labi na pang review sa imung knowledge or gusto paka makat-on. Thanks for sharing!

  8.    Advertisement

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