Originally Posted by
bati jud woii......... kananga gaahan dha ub bisrock ad2 na tago namus bukid ad2 namu puyo dd2 hehehe
peace yo....
btw wa jud q na touch ana mga song na bsrock heheh taga bukid rjd ang ganahan ana..
in my own opinion hehehehehe...
peace rockistas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mao ba bai? foreigner siguro ka... klaro man sad nga dili ka ganahan, dili gani ka kahilwas ug tarung bisan binisaya...
Originally Posted by
bis rock has always been around... i think it is only until recently that it was given a genre or stamped under a specific category called.. "bis rock", otherwise previous bisayas songs were either "novelty" or "rock", or unclassified and took the genre of the artist that was performing the song in bisaya
mao jud...