I hope i wont be reprimanded by the moderators by sharing my experience...
Last night i askd my helper to make sikwati and to make it malapot or concentrated to ease my tummy, i finished two cups because it was very delicious not knowing it will just bother my not so quality sleep, because i wake up every now and then to breastfeed my baby. At 3 am i was awakened not because of my baby's cry but because i felt the urge, i tried to ignore it, since i usually sleep with my baby so he can have a goodnight sleep leaving my hubby alone in our bed and at the same time i don't like to disturb his sleep...
I ended up awake from 3 am until now 7:07am still feeling the urge and im very sleepy but everytime i close my eyes there it goes again...
At 6am i went to the kitchen and got me a cup of the sikwati from last nyt not knowing it will just add up.
I wondered what caused my sexual desire to boost up i ended up blaming the 2 cups of sikwati i finished last nyt. And confirmed it when i googled it... and there it said there that it does affect our sexual drive.
"*Increases blood flow to our sexual organs.dark chocolate contains L-arginine an amino acid that can be an effective natural ***-enhancer for both women and men. It works by increasing nitric oxide and promoting blood flow to your sexual organs, which increases sensation, satisfaction, and desire.
*Chocolate is known as a super libido food partly because it is a rich source of PEA, the acronym for phenylethylamine, sometimes referred to as the "love supplement" or the "romance chemical." As a stimulant and mood elevator, PEA can induce sensations of euphoria and it's naturally released by your brain when youÃÂre in love. This chemical promotes the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which enhances feelings of well-being, joy, and pleasure.
*Acts as an energy booster. Chocolate really packs an aphrodisiac punch because it also contains the compound theobromine, found in tea and kola nuts as well. This substance works on the central nervous system, causing one to feel stimulated and excited."
Until now i am not able to sleep fighting the urge trying to divert my attention by watching history channel i hope it will be over soon so i could sleep...grrrr...lesson learned i would not drink too much sikwati or take too much dark chocolate before going to bed...not unless me and my hubby is in the mood...
I hope this experience of mine will be helpful to some istoryans...hehehe...i want to sleep na but still cant coz i have to take care of my baby later when he wakes up...huhuhu...