There are two major ways to earn money online. You could either build an online business or you could work for others. These ways of earning a money from the internet are valid. What makes one particular avenue "the best" for some people and not so good for others is that it doesn't fit their particular needs and circumstances. However, some solutions work better for other people. So you just need to pick which of these apply to your situation and pursue those.
So, what really makes online business better than freelancing? Working for others and being a freelancer has advantages and also have dis-advantages. Note, working for others also means having a regular day job. The big dis-advantage of working for others is that your income is limited by the hour you spent at work or by the number of work you produce.
However, having a business online is very different from business in the real because in the internet your business is always online and ready. Which means that, even if you are sleeping, or going out on a date with your love one. You are making money! This is better than business in the real world because you don't have daily closing time.
Why is affiliate marketing getting popular nowadays. First Advantage is, you don't need a website. The websites that you are affiliated provides the domains you need. Which means, you don't have to pay monthsaries, or annual domain fees. Hiring a graphic artist and SEO specialist. Hiring call center companies for setting up customer support. And many more of the prosseses needed in setting your online business and website.
The second advantage is, You don't need to have educational qualifications, as long as you are willing to learn and lay the foundation of your online business.
Like a freelancer, you work under the time of your comfort. You can work at home, which suits best for Mothers and students who want's to earn income.
There are still more advantages than i could write here but I think what I wrote is enough to make a point. It's up to you now to decide and make a big impact in your life or procrastinate and look for something easier. I tell you the reward of easy is because it's easy and nothing else. If you are a student, isn't it easier to copy from your classmates than make the homework yourself? And you know the consquence of it right? Set in mind that not all easy are easy because it robs you of your growth and learning.
But I tell you that affiliate marketing is both easy and not so easy. Easy because of the major advantages laid out or you and not os easy because you have to learn the ropes and be serious about it. C'mon, you don't need educational qualifications and you don't need to have your own website and you work at your own pace. This opportunity is definitely 100% for everyone. I tell you that I have met a twelve year old affiliate marketer who earns more than people who work for regular job.
Time to decide friends, it's up to you if you are willing to learn or go with flow as others. Make no mistake, as I have said that you don't a regular time with affiliate marketing which means you can maintain you day job while doing online business or be a full mother and student while earning respectable income online.