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  1. #11

    anyone had any idea how much?

  2. #12
    140 cheeseburger.. around 70 man siguro to ang shoestring fries.. ang beverage mga x2 ang price.. okay raman, not the very best but good.. have to agree yes mahal rajud kaayu, but i love the concept of it being mobile.. at least dli ka pul-an... naa sad na sa Salinas mu pwesto sa Chikaan parking space... tigkaon gihapon ko diha occassionaly..

    akong manghud ni-ingon nga mas nindut daw ang Buddies.. haven't tried buddies so dili jud kaayo ko maka-compare...

    still worth the try.. sulayi lang ninyu if maka-uyon mo.. if burger lover jud kaayo mo then for sure this is the place for you..
    Last edited by prukutung; 03-18-2014 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #13
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    ​murag sakto sakto ra man ang presyo ani based atong usa ka post ,any pics on their burgers anyone katong naka tilaw na ani ?

  4. #14
    Para nako, mas maayo pa ang Big Tom's or Army Navy. Wa kaayo ko na happy sa ilang burger.

  5. #15
    asa gani nang army navy dapita??

  6. #16
    gi develop naman ang pwesto sa big daddy food truck.... asa sila mo balhin?

  7. #17
    curious lage ko aneh. mosuway ta beh kung makasweldo nako haha

    - - - Updated - - -

    curious lage ko aneh. mosuway ta beh kung makasweldo nako haha

  8. #18
    ako pud pangitaon ni nako... Pataas napod ni ug dugo..hahah

  9. #19
    Last edited by Little_Mermaid88; 03-19-2014 at 06:27 AM.

  10. #20
    ok2x lang ila burger.. pero lami ila fries murag piknik gagmay ug hiwa.. hehehe..

  11.    Advertisement

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