This announcement today in the scientific community has scientists become very excited. This is because two theories, two very tantalizing theories have just been confirmed: the existence of gravitational waves and, high-speed inflation of the universe. Many years ago, the prolific Albert Einstein explained that gravity wasn't exactly a force, as much as it was a warping of “spacetime” which, as the name suggests, is kind of space plus time multiplied by, well, everything. Picture spacetime as a trampoline: drop a bowling ball on it and the entire mat will warp and jiggle. Those jiggles are gravitational waves.

Harvard-Smithsonian scientists observed a sort of distortion in the microwave energy left over from the Big Bang. This confirmed the two theories.

This is very very complex, your ordinary mind won't even comprehend all this stuff. But thanks nowadays, there are scientists who really understand this, and this is such an important confirmation about how and why our universe even existed.

Kiss Kiss Bang bang!