Paid surveys really pays but only a percent does.
I made money being a panelist (who answers/participates surveys) but most of the sites i've been to either too slow or doesn't pay at all.
sws survey
etc etc....
as you notice there are lots of surveys (paid one) pop ups in almost all websites but you are uncertain which one works and doesn't works.
For the past 5 years i tried but thru demographs it is difficult for a filipino to land a good paid survey because most of the surveys are western standard and requires western people.
One day i received a survey from prompting me to an asian market research company i did register log in familiarized the process and fortunately receives my first USD11.20 paid survey.
Here's how it works
Click this link if you want to get paid answering surveys.
Paid Surveys
See attached documents as proof from ipanel account to my paypal account and how i get paid.
Every 2 weeks you will received 3-5 surveys ranging from 60-130 points.
Daily Log in is equivalent to 1 point and shout/post your opinion is also equivalent to 1 point.
Sharing can only be earned if your referred panelist earns.
2 points is equivalent to 1 peso
if u just log in everyday and post like what you did on your facebook account, A total of 730 points that you will earn from ipanel in a year.
Not bad !!!! and what if you received 2 x 130 points per week that is approximately 13,520 points per year + 730 for daily log in and post a total of 14,250 points per year or 7,125 pesos per year.
I think you don't earn while posting or clicking "Like" in facebook.
Now is the change!!! Do it before its too late.
Remember this is not a business but just plane survey.

click this Paid Survey