Just came back from a short break... Had a chance to really try both the Senny HD600 and HD650, never mind the tons of other cans on display and ready for audition(way out of the budget). Boy these are like drugs, you just can't put them down when you put them on... Used up the whole afternoon listening side by side, blindfolded with various sources, one sounds intimate and the other lush, both are velvety smooth and can melt your brain. Not fatiguing at all, just the right mix of detail, smoothness and rich tonality... Eargasm!... It is very hard to choose between the two... Although there is a phone that have the sound and character of both(HD800) the price just costs both arms, legs and a kidney...
Come nighttime, did another blind listen where I did not know what phone is on my head to remove any bias, listened to some music and was asked to choose which one I liked the most, after an hour or so, this one followed me home...
Thanks to the staff of Jaben HK for the patience and assistance provided, your customer service is really top notch! Although nice one on telling me to get both cans if I have a hard time deciding, as it is still cheaper than one HD800, nice try though ;P
And good thing I found that Swan cable, now I can resurrect the TF10...
I'm really enjoying this can now, pairs really well with the Vali ooohhh...
Looks like its gonna be a loooong night...