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  1. #1
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default An American blogger's open letter to Pinoys

    Dear Pinoys,

    When I was in the Philippines, a friend of mine said, "Nathan, you think too much."
    Actually, I heard this from quite a few Filipinos. Really? I mean, I know I tend to analyze things, but "thinking too much" is precisely I how I dreamed up a way to (modestly) travel the country for a year – then write an in-depth article on Filipino culture (an article that, guess what, Filipinos seem to love).

    Filipinos: I am asking you to think MORE.

    Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people."

    Sadly, perhaps due to colonization and other factors (I'll get to these later), the Philippines may have established itself as a country full of "small minds" – people that were discouraged from being ambitious, and kept from their potential.

    Those in power wanted to keep it that way, and to some extent I believe it's still the same today. The masses are encouraged to keep consuming products and stay focused on (and distracted by) trashy, mindless TV and gossip. I've seen it happen in the U.S. It's good for the economy, but bad for the culture – it makes things easier for a government to manipulate its people and
    keep them powerless.
    Consumers and copycats

    The Philippines seems to be a country full of consumers and copycats. What do I mean by that? Media consumption – TV, radio, and the internet – are all designed to manipulate you one way or the other. Encouraged through the media is shopping; you've got to have the latest shoes, bags, and phones. Otherwise, your value in society isn't very high.

    Just like in the U.S., it's a very shallow, endless cycle of consumption, but, Filipinos, what are you producing? What are you contributing to the world?

    You are widely known to be some of the best cover artists in the world. You can recreate almost any song, sometimes even better than the original! Pinoy vocalist Arnel Pineda becoming the lead singer of the iconic American band "Journey" is a good example of this. You're such gifted musicians and vocalists, and aside for the U.S. and the U.K., I'm pretty sure you can speak English better than any country in the world – so where are your own musical contributions?

    I know you have some classic Filipino songs, but I'm talking about international hits – and Fil-Am artists don't count.

    Filipinos, perhaps hundreds of years of colonization have left you holding back your talent and feeling like you don't have a voice – that your opinions don't matter and have no value. That is understandable given your country's repressive history, but we live in a different world now, and I hope you can begin to take the first few steps away from that oppressive past.

    Lift yourselves up, but don't forget who you are

    Now, with your growing economy, you are heading in the same direction as many wealthy western countries. You are "modernizing," and that appears to be a good thing.

    Do you know what the irony is, though? In our country, the "higher standard of living" is not what you might think. Most of you have plenty of "quality social time." The amount of time we have to reflect and enjoy life with friends and family is shockingly little. Unlike most of yours, our families are broken and very disconnected. In the "developed" world, we seem to be losing our humanity – we barely make eye contact when we're out in public. Your family-oriented culture and sense of connectedness is something that you REALLY have going for you in the Philippines.

    In the developed countries we work too much, are completely stressed out, and have countless new diseases and psychological disorders that, I believe, are popping up because of life in our hectic, modern world. A therapist is practically a requirement for life in any large, American city.
    Filipinos, do you even know what a therapist is? No? Good! These disorders (just like therapists) are rare in the Philippines. This seems to be the price we pay for being "advanced and developed" nations. The point is, I do hope you can break free from this "colonial" mentality, but aside from that. . .

    Filipinos: Don't try to be more like us, try to be more like YOU. I believe what the the world needs now is more of “you,” not more of “us.”

    In my last article about Filipino culture, I mentioned how a few people in Manila seemed to be ashamed to speak Filipino with me. I didn't like that; I hoped they would be proud of their culture. I got the impression that they admired me so much – just for being white! When I would go through security anywhere in Manila, I was the only one who wouldn't be searched. I seemed to get a free pass, again, because I was white.

    Something I loved about Cebu and the Visayas was that, there, security searched me just like everybody else. It was fair. In general, people down there weren't impressed with my white skin. If I was going to impress them, I would have to earn it. They were proud, and I loved that.

    I don't mean to promote regionalism here; I just would love to see all Filipinos develop that sense of cultural pride.

    Truly the "Pearl Of The Orient Seas"

    Filipinos (from north to south), please know that your culture and who you are is something unique and special in the world. Something precious that's rapidly disappearing, in fact. Please don't be afraid to be proud. I know you prefer to be modest, but I don't believe pride and modesty have to be enemies. I believe you can be proud without thinking or acting like you are better than others. Be proud of your culture; your heritage.

    Philippines, I hope soon you will become known for being more than just a friendly country with affordable opportunities for foreign-owned businesses. My hope is that you will gain a reputation as a nation of innovators and entrepreneurs. . .as creators.

    I have never seen so much talent so under-utlilized. With your stunning beaches and lush mountain provinces, you are also poised and ready to take the world's tourism industry by storm. However, your ecosystem is delicate and it needs to be protected and preserved. I'd love to see your country pave the way for environmentally-friendly tourism. That would be an innovative and much needed contribution to the world!

    At the very least, I hope you can share the Filipino way of life with the rest of the world, because we could certainly learn a lot from it.

    Is "crab mentality" helpful?

    Please put an end to "crab mentality" – lift each other up, don't pull each other down. If your country is ever going to rise up and share its treasures with the world, you will have to foster an environment of praise and support for your countrymen.

    Filipinos: You are some of the most talented, soulful, and generous people I have ever encountered.

    Please know that you DO have a voice, that your ideas DO matter, and that your contributions (whether they be musical, artistic, or intellectual) WILL be felt. Believe it, and the rest of the world will, too.

    Oh, one more thing. If you work in government, do not EVER forget your responsibility to represent the PEOPLE – a people and a culture with a lot to offer the world.
    YOU represent them on the world's stage. Do NOT let them down.

    An American blogger's open letter to Pinoys | Opinion | GMA News Online
    in some ways , naa man sad point iya gi blog ,iya man own observations nato . want to know your thoughts on this istoryan people.

  2. #2
    That guy need to travel to taiwan, china, N.korea and India.

  3. #3
    This is what this article is all about:

    An American trying to di*k around us Filipinos by making us feel stupid and sorry for ourselves.
    We don't need your lazy fat arse articles Mr.Freedom, just leave us alone.

    He's trying to tell us what and what not to do, if you really hate crab mentality then stop telling us what to do, it doesn't help.

  4. #4
    I think it's true what he said. Most of us are copy cats/wannabes. Every time musuroy kos SM, daghan koy magpinaK-Pop jud og style. Daghan kaau ang obsessed sa mga Korean, Americans, etc. It's time for us to find our own identities. Sa music industry pod, daghay magcover lang and magsundog2x og style sa western pipz, when in fact, walay makalupig kang anhing Susan Fuentes, Yoyoy Villame, Grace Nono, Freddy Aguilar, og uban pa. Kita kos youtube one time, video ni Sheryn Regis nga nikanta og Visayan medley. Nindot jud kaau. Akong gipadungog sa akong bana. All his life, he's been a manager of classical music artists sa Europe and nalingaw jud siyang Sheryn. Niana pa gani nga ganahan siya magpalit og CD nga bisaya kay nindot paminawn. Sa SM pod, kadtong nay event last October man tingay to sa Northwing celebrating something about Korean consulate churva, kalimot ko. Anyways, nagpresent ang mga Korean students og show reflecting their culture, nice siya. But kadtong nisayaw na ang mga tgaUC man tingay to nga dance troup, nisayaw silag tinikling, maglalatik og uban pa, daghan jud nga forenjers ang nicomment og nindot. Mas nindot jud ang sariling atin. I think daghay manundog kay ang makit-an sa tawo sa media is mostly "western is better". And kasagaran sa mga authorities, nga supposedly role models sa mga katawhan, westernized na pod ang panamit, batasan, sinultihan. Daghan pa jud kaayo tang mga natural resources nga pwedeng pwede unta nato gamiton pagpalambo sa atong economy. But sad to say, maypagkacapitalist man pod ni atong nasod. Karemember ko atong nakainvent og car engine nga ok ra mugamit og tubig, wala suportahi ni Arroyo man tingay to. Niadto siyag japan para didto ibaligya iyang idea. Pero karon, naglabasan na ang mga hybrid cars etc. Ok ra man tingay nga makalearn ta about cultures sa western world. Nindot nga makalearn ta nga makaspeak og other languages. Pero dili unta sa point nga mao nalang jud sila atong ipatronize. We are Filipinos and daghan kaayong western people masuya nato, sa color palang daan sa atong kutis.

  5. #5
    For me Filipinos are the freest people in the world.

  6. #6
    C.I.A. lstorya's Avatar
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    I can actually say this is constructive critcism. Guys, please dont get butt-hurt if naigo mo.

  7. #7
    constructive criticism indeed!

    i've read similar criticisms before from different writers.

    all i can say is that this cultural change is inevitable unless the government steps in and change the course of history. these particular sentences sum up the whole article for me:

    Philippines, I hope soon you will become known for being more than just a friendly country with affordable opportunities for foreign-owned businesses. My hope is that you will gain a reputation as a nation of innovators and entrepreneurs. . .as creators.
    we are a nation of innovators and entrepreneurs. . . but the BIG question is - do we have our government's support to become creators for the whole world to see?

  8. #8
    He was just saying what he observed on Us.....

  9. #9
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    wa man niingon ang blogger na bati , nibilib pa gani siya sa visayas kay bisan puti siya gi search jud gihapon siya . most sa iyang nakita sa manila especially when he said nga mauwaw mosulti og tagalog tungod siguro kay naa siya sa atubangan .

  10. #10
    its true..i consume too much....alcohol..

  11.    Advertisement

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