Naa koy pag umangkon mo take ug bar nya mag online review ra xa sa chanrobles...ask xa if masakpan ba jud if iya ra idownload ang lecture videos gamtit ang IDM (Internet Download Manager) instead of mag online streaming xa...hinay mangud iya internet connection. Sumala sa akong nabasahan sa Chanroblesbar na website:
It must be noted that on-line streams of lecture videos and materials cannot be copied or downloaded. Enrollees may only listen or watch the lecture videos and read printed materials on their computers or mobile devices. Lecture videos found in are all proprietary materials of ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc."
So, para sa mga naay background ug I.T., inyo ba mahibal-an kung gagamit ug IDM ang usa ka user? For personal use ra man ni niya. Dili ibaligya or ishare sa laing individual.