SOLD SOLD SOLD.. modz pls close.. tnx istorya
Iphone 4 8GB
- black
- home button still crispy
- iOS 6.1.3 (upgradable to 7.0.4)
- smart lock
- unit and charger only
specs--> Apple iPhone 4 - Full phone specifications
Price: SOLD
actual pix
SOLD SOLD SOLD.. modz pls close.. tnx istorya
Iphone 4 8GB
- black
- home button still crispy
- iOS 6.1.3 (upgradable to 7.0.4)
- smart lock
- unit and charger only
specs--> Apple iPhone 4 - Full phone specifications
Price: SOLD
actual pix
Last edited by harryboy06; 01-21-2014 at 11:35 PM. Reason: SOLD
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