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  1. #1

    Default Job hunting in Qatar

    Hi I am going to Qatar a few months from now. Visit Visa coz my hubby is there.
    Please share your experiences and tips on job hunting there.
    I am a licensed nurse but wala ko makapractice jud ani although nka volunteer2x ko.
    I worked sa call center for 5 years as TSR.

    1. Unsa na field ako-a masudlan diha sa Qatar? Nurse? Call center?
    2. Dli lisod mangita ug work diha? Bsan clerical lang or office work?
    3. Unsa na documents ako-a kelangan andamon for work?

    Please share mga Istoryans sa inyoha experience working diha or Middle Eastern countries. Thank you.

  2. #2
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    wa kay pressure kay naa man imong hubby diha . either work ka og office ,clinic or sales ,mao na imo masudlan na mga work .makakita ra kag work just be patient .

  3. #3
    tnx @lhorenzoo for replying to this thread. advance happy new year

  4. #4
    goodluck sa panimpad.hayahaya

  5. #5
    if makaadto kas Qatar try to apply sa QF (Qatar Foundation) or sa QFC ( Qatar Financial Center atbang sa Carrefour City Center). Eye for the state-owned companies kay pwerting dagkoag sweldo nila dinha. Ako flat mate in 2006 was earning 25thou QR per month as a front desk attendant and she was new to Qatar that time and nangita ra sad to siyag trabaho went she went to Doha.

    hope this helps and God Bless.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Roll Gang View Post
    if makaadto kas Qatar try to apply sa QF (Qatar Foundation) or sa QFC ( Qatar Financial Center atbang sa Carrefour City Center). Eye for the state-owned companies kay pwerting dagkoag sweldo nila dinha. Ako flat mate in 2006 was earning 25thou QR per month as a front desk attendant and she was new to Qatar that time and nangita ra sad to siyag trabaho went she went to Doha.

    hope this helps and God Bless.
    Salmat kaau sa imong advice.

  7. #7
    actually daghan work diri, mag daog lang if nindot ba ang offer.. then depende pud na sa imu experience.. mas nidot pud kung daghan kaila imu asawa diri kay dali ka ma refer sa mga company na kibaw sila naay hiring or kung naa sila kaila sa usa ka company.. good luck!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by wak_wak View Post
    actually daghan work diri, mag daog lang if nindot ba ang offer.. then depende pud na sa imu experience.. mas nidot pud kung daghan kaila imu asawa diri kay dali ka ma refer sa mga company na kibaw sila naay hiring or kung naa sila kaila sa usa ka company.. good luck!
    tnx kaau. at least dli ko mabalaka ba na maglisod ko pangita. naa diay dghan options.

  9. #9
    word of advice ayaw og apply og mga ginagmaw na mga companya go for mga companya nga naay Qatar sa ilang name kay ang gobyerno na nag support ana, daghan og perks.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by emailroy2002 View Post
    word of advice ayaw og apply og mga ginagmaw na mga companya go for mga companya nga naay Qatar sa ilang name kay ang gobyerno na nag support ana, daghan og perks.
    thanks kaau sa imong input. nag sige nako ug pangita online og mga possible companies. maau unta if maka kita daun ko. by march anha nko hopefully.

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