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But festivals is a must. Everyone is invited, including non-RC we welcome all including "INSIDE OUR CHURCH" as we don't locked it down in calamities or other...
Sakto ang point ni elvan. Though "naka hasol" ang ingon ana nga festivities, it's not on a daily basis man sad AND measures are beign taken to lessen the inconvenience caused by this festival. Besides, EVERYONE man sad ang mahasol ani nga mga adlaw, dili man ni targetted to specific religion/sector of the society. Anyone forgot the huge inconvenience INC caused sa SRP last year? Yearly baya sad ni ilang activity. But let's not go there lang. I'm just sayin'.
Anyone realize that if naay INC lane sa airport, supposedly "dili allowed" ang mo non INC mo linya sa INC lane pero kung taas ang linya sa INC lane unya walay tao sa "RC LANE" pwede ra mo linya ang INC? Dili man sad pwede i ban ang INC nga mo linya sa regular lane kay "descrimination" naman na..