Trailer for next episode shows Emily getting amnesia. Tsk. Makapawag gana ang mga in.ani.
Trailer for next episode shows Emily getting amnesia. Tsk. Makapawag gana ang mga in.ani.
Nice. Do you think tnuod ang amnesia or another one of her acts.?
Kns.a ni mu resume gani? Hehe
A wounded Em awakens in the hospital with a convenient case of amnesia. And she's not faking it, insisted exec producer Sunil Nayar in a recent interview. At least not at first. "She has at the moment lost her memory of all of it," he maintained. "We play with the amnesia idea in many different ways." Daniel, meanwhile, will "wrestle with the demons" that come with almost murdering your wife. "There's a regret that will come from it initially, but then it will grow into a strength [and] a hardening," Nayar previewed. "Because the person he trusted the most has really upended the nature of that trust." And although Victoria still doesn't know Em is Amanda Clarke "she at least knows that this woman is not on the level and that some of her suspicions are actually correct, which gives Victoria a great engine going into the second half of the season. She now has the power in the relationship."
Revenge series' new motto: Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
This week man ni mu resume nu?
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