Question now is : How prepared is your local government for the next big thing ?
- does your local officials have a disaster preparation plan and how do they intend to execute it ?
-did you check with our Barangay officials how prepared are they for a calamity like Yolanda ?
- if your Local Government/ Barangay Officials do not have disaster preparation plan then press for them to create one and later do a drill.
- does your family have a plan when calamity hits our area ? escape route, backup location if your place is not safe anymore or where to meet up if one of your family member get separated.. a meeting place like a church, police office, government office or malls.
Be prepared and dont wait till its all too late..
pwerti nako pugong˛ sa akong luha samtang gabasa ko ani
No help too small: Children all over the world donate to Yolanda victims
Last edited by R_sQuArEd; 11-16-2013 at 08:55 AM.
kita nako sa source
NDRRMC: Death toll now at 3,621
Philippines President Benigno Aquino III told CNN that the figure of 10,000 was a baseless estimate by officers too emotional involved in the trauma.
Filipino Police Officer Elmer Soria Who Estimated Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) 10,000 Death Toll Fired from Post
President Benigno Aquino: The death toll from Typhoon Haiyan's rampage through the Philippines is closer to 2,000 or 2,500 than the 10,000 previously estimated..
nya lapas naman 2,500 PNoy, istoryahon ta lang ni...
niya katong polis nga ni hatag ug 10k estimate kay gi tang tang,. estimate ra gali. kaning estimate ni Pnoy nga 2k - 2.5k ma sayop pwede cya tangtangon pud?
na unsa naman ni atong goberno oi. tinuod ni? kung laeng nasud mo tabang dire sa ato-a tax san pa? faeta nalang jud.
dili nalang jud tag patakag estimate ani. Na.unsa estimate ra gani , nganong tangtangon man. Nya kung moabot jud duol sa 10k ibalik napud sa pwesto.
di nlang unta ta mag cgeg dibate aning death toll kay dili na makapabusog sa mga gigutom. ang ariglahon unta nato ang mga buhi nga dili mangamatay sa ka gutom!!!!
sige lagi mo reklamo noh? tabang na lang mo tawon kaysa sige mo pangita og sayop... kamo na lang magpresidente para walay samok
LC-551 BRP Dagupan City, fully loaded with Tacloban evacuees at Mactan Naval Base...
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