These aren’t the guys and gals who get their faces on the huge billboards, they’re not the actors/actresses on the big salaries and they’re the promotional tool sent out to every chat show in the nation to sell their film. These are the guys and gals whose faces don’t stand out and give that great performance as the character who’s name you don’t quite remember.
Actors can go underrated for many reasons: they may prefer independent pictures or theater to studio movies, they may not have the right ‘look’ for a central performance, they may make daring material that so often goes unrecognised and they may just shun the life of celebrity and all the awards and attention that comes with it. Time can also be the actor’s enemy as many films are inevitably forgotten, and with that, many great performances. Even many independent movies from the 90′s are very hard to track down.
The character actor is often the overlooked man/woman, as he/she will generally appear in more movies than anyone, for less money, and more often than not will be forgotten. There is a great art to character acting, an art which many have perfected, but sadly recognition will often pass them by.
Actors and actresses can work for decades before they get the recognition they deserve, some get recognition during their lifetime but get forgotten by time, but some actors/actresses never quite breakout at all, and sadly go underappreciated by the wide audience.
A plus for character actors is that when a film flops they never take the fall!
Character actors usually play: villains, the boss, the best friend, side kick, gangster etc.
Who do you guys think in the acting world would you consider character actors/actresses who are underrated?