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  1. #1

    Default Sunday Garage Sale and Bazaar for Quake Victims!

    MEGA BRAND BAZAAR for #BangonSugBohol Movement of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (beneficiaries will be the quake victims) at ESCARIO CENTRAL (Zubuchon/7-11,in between Shell gas station and McDonalds along Escario St.)

    4:00 pm until 9:00 pm.

    Parking lot tent inside the commercial complex.

    Some items still available :

    - Lacoste long-sleeves and t-shirts

    - Marks & Spencer,Christian Dior,Armani exchange men's polo-shirts and t-shirts (mostly medium)

    - a brandnew Callaway men' prescription eye-glass frame

    - tops and dresses such as Calvin Klein,Topshop,Promod,Esprit,Jessica,Benetton,Marks & Spencer, Guess Jeans,etc.

    - a pair of Oakley ladies' sunglasses

    - Ninewest ladies' shoes( needs minor repair) P500 toP800 ONLY!

    The sizes left for the ladies' wear are mostly small.

    However those who want to help can always purchase for their kids,teenage nieces or petite lady friends, relatives, office-mates,girlfriends,etc.

    Let us help the quake victims!

    Please call or text 09228999819 for more details! Please help us circulate !

    Please post on your Facebook account,your group,your friend's Facebook page;share,text,e-mail your friends and relatives...

    Thank you VERY MUCH!

    God bless you all ALWAYS and More Power to!

  2. #2
    tonight? wala man gud date nakabutang.

  3. #3
    yup walay date....

  4. #4
    up for the Sunday!

  5.    Advertisement

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