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Thread: Linug

  1. #1361

    Quote Originally Posted by cmcanch View Post
    100k condo plus 7.2 magnitude earthquake...

    Is this really necessary Binay? Kami lagi nidonate den wa mg-ing-ani? Need jud diay makahibaw diin gkan ang donation?
    not necessary naman na since if you really want to help you don't need to label it

  2. #1362
    Quote Originally Posted by 21guns View Post
    Way klaro ang phivolcs EC nila lahi
    20 Oct 2013 - 04:05 PM 09.79 123.66 001 4.8 027 km N 54° W of Tagbilaran City
    lahi compared sa kinsa man kunong data?

    mao niy problema nakita nako sa mga tawo karon (especially that one journalist) nga basta-basta lang og interpret sa data.

    the data that you see posted by some people here from their apps are automatically generated by a source station. automatically generated data can be erroneous in terms of the exact location. it can give you a general idea of the area where the quake is coming from but it cannot immediately tell you the exact location unless more data is studied and observed. sometimes it takes hours before the location becomes conclusive

    that is why you have a disclaimer here from the websites that are the source of all your earthquake app updates:

    Earthquake - Magnitude 5.2 - NEGROS- CEBU REG, PHILIPPINES - 2013 October 20, 08:05:45 UTC
    Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist

    GEOFON Program GFZ Potsdam :: gfz2013uocw
    Disclaimer: Unless revised by a geophysicist, automatically determined earthquake locations may be erroneous!

    from USGS
    The earthquake information delivered through the Earthquake Notification Service (ENS) is preliminary. Subsequent review usually results in some revision to the data, and all users are advised to check the USGS earthquake program pages at Earthquake Hazards Program for updates. Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Earthquakes are a common occurrence, and many are either not large enough to cause damage or not located sufficiently close to populations centers to produce damage. E-mail alerts sent through ENS do not imply an impending threat.

    ENS is an informational tool and NOT a robust earthquake or tsunami warning system.

    to make the long story short, naay linog. but we cannot assume or speculate anything more than that based only on EARLY and AUTOMATICALLY generated data

  3. #1363
    Quote Originally Posted by kageron View Post
    ako sad w ako ka dungog na i fault line sa mactan kugtong no.on kanang ilawom sa general milling mao na ako na dungan
    Old newspaper clippings from Manila Standard then before naa pud toh news na ang mga dalan kay nag-crack or nangahugno

    Manila Standard - Google News Archive Search

  4. #1364
    its not yet 2016 yet binay is making a pogi moves na. Politician as usual.

  5. #1365
    Quote Originally Posted by cmcanch View Post
    100k condo plus 7.2 magnitude earthquake...

    Is this really necessary Binay? Kami lagi nidonate den wa mg-ing-ani? Need jud diay makahibaw diin gkan ang donation?
    that pic made me sick. epal at its finest.

    OnT: in keep this thread alive as much as possible. please be informed that:

    1. provide links from reputable source (i.e. fault lines here and there.....where did you get that info?are you an expert? if not, please post where did you get the info)
    2. rants will not be allowed anymore. i've already had enough of those and your post won't help solve the problem.
    3. this thread should increase public awareness and not to promote misinformation.
    Audentes Fortuna Juvat

  6. #1366
    ahak oi graveyard shift napud ko ani sa house di napud ko matulog ani para bantay sa family, extra creful ta ani mga guys. naa sa fb mga bro ingon nila naa daw coming na quake napud the worst pa sa 7.2 mohit diri cebu, tinuod na? SIMBAKO intawn jud, lets pray guys na mawala najud intawn ni...

  7. #1367
    @cjpadriga Pls dont believe the post in fb sir. Wala pay naimbento na machine na makadetect sa future earthquake. Lets hope that 7.2 will not happen here.

  8. #1368
    Nobody can predict earthquakes, especially the intensity. Praying is a good religious practice, but let's be proactive guys and gals.

  9. #1369
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eax View Post
    Old newspaper clippings from Manila Standard then before naa pud toh news na ang mga dalan kay nag-crack or nangahugno

    Manila Standard - Google News Archive Search
    wa may nakasuwat regarding fault nga naa sa mactan.. ang gihisgotan ang toledo man.

  10. #1370
    Quote Originally Posted by MAxihealth View Post
    @cjpadriga Pls dont believe the post in fb sir. Wala pay naimbento na machine na makadetect sa future earthquake. Lets hope that 7.2 will not happen here.
    tnx alot mga bro.

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