Habagat Outdoor Shops, International Pharmaceuticals Inc. (IPI) and Mountain View Resorts presents the 2nd TWO Orienteering Open 2007 in cooperation with the Cebu Mountaineering Society on July 28-29, 2007 at Mountain View Resort, Garaje, Busay, Cebu City. Categories and corresponding registration will be INDIVIDUAL - Php150, TEAM (mixed genders) - Php400, and TEAM RELAY (mixed genders) - Php400. Prizes and trophies are at stake! Participants' entrance to the resort is open and free and you can pitch your tents as you stay overnight. Meals will be covered by the registration thru the duration of the competition.
For details: Email your inquiries thru cems-orienteering@googlegroups.com or cebumountaineers@googlegroups.com.

Or visit our site at http://cebumountaineers.multiply.com