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  1. #21

    i think the real concern here is about the quality of building constructions here in PI, may it be condos or just ordinary bungalows...

    although yea, i believe there are always risks in buying condo, earthquake, bombs, theft...and buyers should consider those before thinking of buying a unit...

  2. #22
    sometimes what's shown in the media is exaggeration of actual facts....but we can never tell.

    here are some facts:

    Budget Builder building vs Antonio's (in mambaling area near CITU)
    > Budget Builder Building is an old building and has withstand a few major earthquake in a couple of decades.
    > Antonio's building also collapse, it's a relatively new building.

    In layman terms we can say:
    > Budget Builder's building is old that's why it collapse
    > Antonio's on the other hand is due to poor engineering/sub standard materials

    do you think the real reason is the age of the building and poor engineering? It has something to do wit the frequency and resonance of the materials in the building. Civil engineers and those who studied "Strength of Materials" can answer this quite easily.

    More info on my explanation can be found here:

  3. #23
    have a condo being rented... So far no damage... But when the power was shut off for safety reasons - no elevators also...
    Mine is on d 7th floor.... gud luck on d stairs... Hehehe...

    I heard sa horizons 101 pakapin parachute... Joke...

    Seriously, the elevator thing is one of d many reasons why im not living in a condo...
    Moreover, the shaking is more amplified the higher you go...

  4. #24
    good quality of education is the key to success

    Earthquake Protector: Shake Table Crash Testing - YouTube

    naa ra sa mga developers, engineers, government unsaon pag gamit ang gi eskwelahan ug ang technology sa atong buildings

  5. #25
    wala ta kbalo unsay kalihokan sa ilawom bahin sa yuta.. Natimingan cguro ning uban nahugno naay fault line sa sa gtukuran.. Ky naa bya uban mga balay mingsaka ang salog, ug naay niunlod. As ive seen sa balita ganiha... or naa lng jud balay barat pagkahimo mao ningbigay...

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Vino Kid View Post
    wala ta kbalo unsay kalihokan sa ilawom bahin sa yuta.. Natimingan cguro ning uban nahugno naay fault line sa sa gtukuran.. Ky naa bya uban mga balay mingsaka ang salog, ug naay niunlod. As ive seen sa balita ganiha... or naa lng jud balay barat pagkahimo mao ningbigay...
    Interactive 3D Seismic Waves Simulator by ForgeFX - YouTube

  7. #27
    ^^na dli ta kaview ana ky mahurot ang data nko..

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jEiiWhO08 View Post
    as based sa akong nabasahan sa ssc forum, kanang mga condo nga dagko na like anang h101, lisud na gub.on ug linog.
    kanang mga medium rise nga building ra tingali ang dali kaayo because of the foundation? basta mao ra na ako nabasahan. so far wala may damage ang h101 ug ang crown regency. the more nga taas ang building the more nga ngita paagi ang mga engineers ata para quake proof
    Dli ma compare ang gitukod na building sa human na.... Wla gyd damage ang 101 kay wla ga puyo wala pa na tiwas.... Ang crown molihok man gani na wla linog.... Will just hope in the next few years... Normal critical kaau tah sa ato buildings kay dli tah anad ani na calamidad

  9. #29

  10. #30
    kung mag.linog na sad balik next year with same intensity? feel nako, naa jowd matumpag nga condo ana

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