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  1. #11

    Quote Originally Posted by chocofudge View Post
    ok game ko ani f naa, since most of the PDAF fund wana man nagamit sa iya jud untang gamitan
    most? you sure about it? take a look at Out-Patient department sah Sotto hospita, used to be full of tables from Social Welfares from congressmen or some NGO's. Now? space so wide. Micro-loans for small-time business where suddenly stopped and many more.

    Again, laws that's been abused doesn't need to be abolish. It just needs fine tuning.

  2. #12
    Banned User Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    most? you sure about it? take a look at Out-Patient department sah Sotto hospita, used to be full of tables from Social Welfares from congressmen or some NGO's. Now? space so wide. Micro-loans for small-time business where suddenly stopped and many more.

    Again, laws that's been abused doesn't need to be abolish. It just needs fine tuning.
    The program(pork) itself is flawed in the first place. No hardcoding/refinement can save it. In 1991, when the program(pork) was first introduced the ill-effects are minimal. Its like a worm, everyday it replicates without you knowing it UNTIL you are out of hard disk space.

    Year 2013, the stench of this pork is unbearable. You can't decode/edit a worm program for GOOD use. Whoever programmed this worm in 1991 have evil intent on it. A worm is a parasite that needs to be destroyed or else it will only replicate again and sucks our hard earned taxes.

    I don't want it quarantined, I want to delete it in the system. Just like newer program nowadays, it has to be flexible and object oriented. Obviously this program(pork) is not flexible nor object-oriented since it doesn't integrate well inside Filipino's mind.

  3. #13
    I was always positive to positive to people who always ask for a change, it is for the betterment. But, can you site what to do or what to suggest the next move if ever the PDAF would be abolish that would suit the needs of Filipino people?

  4. #14
    Banned User Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crossramz View Post
    I was always positive to positive to people who always ask for a change, it is for the betterment. But, can you site what to do or what to suggest the next move if ever the PDAF would be abolish that would suit the needs of Filipino people?
    Afaik, there's a national summit this Nov. 9. It will be composed of groups from around the Philippines. The agenda is "Participants need to finalise the proposed law that citizens want to enact to ensure that Congress and the President will not be allowed to use the national budget for pork barrel funds".

    It needs time and CRITICAL THINKING. So it will be a long process but doable. Let's wait for the final proposal and then maybe some revisions along the way. I heard FOI and anti-dynasty will also be included.

    But if ever SC declares pork as "unconstitutional" then that's good news and we can now focus more on the FOI and anti-dynasty law.

    Note: I don't want the Congress to abolish it since there is still a chance they will revive it but is hidden in people's eye. The SC should declare it "unconstitutional" because this way it will be permanent. SC can only interpret the law but they can't make one. That's why the People's initiative will be the one making the law.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarian View Post
    The program(pork) itself is flawed in the first place. No hardcoding/refinement can save it. In 1991, when the program(pork) was first introduced the ill-effects are minimal. Its like a worm, everyday it replicates without you knowing it UNTIL you are out of hard disk space.

    Year 2013, the stench of this pork is unbearable. You can't decode/edit a worm program for GOOD use. Whoever programmed this worm in 1991 have evil intent on it. A worm is a parasite that needs to be destroyed or else it will only replicate again and sucks our hard earned taxes.

    I don't want it quarantined, I want to delete it in the system. Just like newer program nowadays, it has to be flexible and object oriented. Obviously this program(pork) is not flexible nor object-oriented since it doesn't integrate well inside Filipino's mind.

    bla bla bla.. then what? what guarantee do we have of another law to be created for such funds for charities, localities project and so on will not be abused? or are you suggesting no laws at all to be created after PDAF? That's it? It's because of your so called feeling madlang people?? What happened to the phil. when Cory run the government because of the so called Filipino's feeling or pride (don't know how to call it exactly)? Go ahead research about those.

    So the people will now kneel down on the "Natio-GOverNment" itself since the funds are no longer in the hands of congressmen and women who in the 1st place represents part of a population in a certain region (sounds to me a natio-takeover for local government affairs). The National government itself cannot accommodate such a huge task(magic2x is more likely) on distributing nor investigating such funds will go to it's proper stake holders, the only solution is to create another similar PDAF law that in the 1st place the original PDAF only needs refinement/tuning.

    PDAF has good things going, there was just a glitch on the program that some people noticed and made a hefty profit out of it. Be sensible on your part, abolished then what? Just abolish, really now?

    Simply scrapping PDAF is not enough to stop the misuse of taxpayers money, Finetuning the law will be more suitable.... more teeth grinder for it. Since we already know the flaws we can just solve those glitches for it to work properly - a lesser corruptible law ( i don't believe on corruption free law, even for individuals me or yourself for that matter).

    FYI. Creating another law means millions of pesos will be poured to congress to be talked about. It cost almost a million to operate the House of Congress in full office hours(full staff).. that's just in a day. Extended time for the law means extended budget for operational cost too not to mention the staff doing the overtime and researchers etc. Then another to the Senate and so on. Why need to refocus attention on creating another law when in the first place it only needed some minor tweaks/adjustments. There are some laws that are also having much needed attention also.
    Last edited by elvandesantos; 10-11-2013 at 11:49 PM.

  6. #16
    Banned User Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    bla bla bla.. then what? what guarantee we have of another law to be make for such funds for charities to be distributed will not be abused? or are you suggesting no laws at all to be created after PDAF?

    So the people will now kneel down on the "Natio-GOverNment" itself since the funds are no longer in the hands of congressmen and women who in the 1st place represents part of a population in a certain region. The National government itself cannot accommodate such a huge task on distributing nor investigating such funds will go to it's proper stake holders, the only solution is to create another similar PDAF law that in the 1st place the original PDAF only needs refinement/tuning.

    PDAF has good things going, there was just a glitch on the program that some people noticed and made a hefty profit out of it. Be sensible on your part, abolished then what? Just abolish, really now?

    Simply scrapping PDAF is not enough to stop the misuse of taxpayers money, Finetuning the law will be more suitable.... more teeth grinder for it. Since we already know the flaws we can just solve those glitches for it to work properly - a lesser corruption law ( i don't believe on corruption free law, even for individuals me or yourself for that matter).

    FYI. Creating another means millions of pesos will be poured to congress, it cost almost a million to operate/maintenance for the House of Congress in full office hours.. that's just in a day. Extended time for the law means extended budget for the building not to mention the staff doing the overtime and researchers etc. Then another to the Senate and so on. Why need to refocus attention on creating another law when in the first place it only needed some minor tweaks/adjustments. There are some laws that are also having much needed attention also.
    Afaik, there's a national summit this Nov. 9. It will be composed of groups from around the Philippines. The agenda is "Participants need to finalise the proposed law that citizens want to enact to ensure that Congress and the President will not be allowed to use the national budget for pork barrel funds".

    It needs time and CRITICAL THINKING. So it will be a long process but doable. Let's wait for the final proposal and then maybe some revisions along the way. I heard FOI and anti-dynasty will also be included.

    But if ever SC declares pork as "unconstitutional" then that's good news and we can now focus more on the FOI and anti-dynasty law.

    Note: I don't want the Congress to abolish it since there is still a chance they will revive it but is hidden in people's eye. The SC should declare it "unconstitutional" because this way it will be permanent. SC can only interpret the law but they can't make one. That's why the People's initiative will be the one making the law.

    Where have you been when the answers are in front of you?

    In short no more lump-sum in the hands of lawmakers and presidents.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarian View Post
    "Participants need to finalise the proposed law that citizens want to enact to ensure that Congress and the President will not be allowed to use the national budget for pork barrel funds".
    You see it here, it would be better if those lawmakers have hands on those budget, why? PDAF is actually for projects that is not mentioned or listed on the annual list of projects to be created. Meaning if all projects are sourced out from the national budget-annual, example: a sudden collapse of a bridge does it mean repair or reconstruction will be available next year when it will be listed as priority project for the upcoming year?

    A group of people suddenly turned homeless because of a fire/calamity, national budget for that year cannot actually re-align the budget just to please those group of homeless people since it would have a great effect on the other projects as well like a domino stacked in.

    So those politician will no longer have hands on those? Who will? the public? give me a break here, I would rather trust those guys up there than people down here who easily wave red flags on street demanding something. At the very least we can point easily who to blame if they're the one holding it.

  8. #18
    Banned User Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvandesantos View Post
    You see it here, it would be better if those lawmakers have hands on those budget, why? PDAF is actually for projects that is not mentioned or listed on the annual list of projects to be created. Meaning if all projects are sourced out from the national budget-annual, example: a sudden collapse of a bridge does it mean repair or reconstruction will be available next year when it will be listed as priority project for the upcoming year?

    A group of people suddenly turned homeless because of a fire/calamity, national budget for that year cannot actually re-align the budget just to please those group of homeless people since it would have a great effect on the other projects as well like a domino stacked in.

    So those politician will no longer have hands on those? Who will? the public? give me a break here, I would rather trust those guys up there than people down here who easily wave red flags on street demanding something. At the very least we can point easily who to blame if they're the one holding it.
    Let's wait for the proposal and decide from there. There are a lot of questionable funds under the President's SPF. If you are talking about the Calamity and Contingent Funds then I assume it will be part of the exception.

    These are the Special Purpose Funds(SPF) of the President:

    Budgetary Support to Government Corporations (BSGC)
    Allocations to Local Government Units
    Calamity Fund
    Contingent Fund
    Department of Education – School Building Program
    E-Government Fund
    International Commitments Fund
    Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Fund (MPBF)
    Pension and Gratuity Fund (PGF)
    Priority Social and Economic Projects Fund (PSEPF)1
    Priority Development Assistance Fund
    Tax Expenditures Fund
    Debt Service Fund-Interest Payment

    Some are redundant and can easily be re-aligned to an implementing agencies. We want to clip some part of the funds while excluding the most obvious and logical ones.

  9. #19
    The fact that this circus is run by people who marches and waves red and yellow flag just made me realize how dumb some people can actually get.

    The fact that Marcos was removed from power, people where so emotionally embattled that they enthroned a housewife who in the 1st place acknowledges no idea running the country. Because of that emotional outcry of freedom from Marcos, the basic thought of taking another person to run the government who is way credible was forgotten. How well the government turned into after that? Pretty much.... ahhhm let others say the story I don't want to... @crossramz care to share master?

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarian View Post
    These are the Special Purpose Funds(SPF) of the President:

    Budgetary Support to Government Corporations (BSGC)
    Allocations to Local Government Units
    Calamity Fund
    Contingent Fund
    Department of Education – School Building Program
    E-Government Fund
    International Commitments Fund
    Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Fund (MPBF)
    Pension and Gratuity Fund (PGF)
    Priority Social and Economic Projects Fund (PSEPF)1
    Priority Development Assistance Fund
    Tax Expenditures Fund
    Debt Service Fund-Interest Payment

    Some are redundant and can easily be re-aligned to an implementing agencies. We want to clip some part of the funds while excluding the most obvious and logical ones.
    seems to be like PDAF only bigger areas are covered. from what I understand, PDAF budget for politicians are provided in the budget as a whole. Meaning it can be use to any projects necessary for a population covered by the congressmen, no certain amount for such project means more flexibility on how money will be spent like health cares, drainages even housing materials(calamity funds provide too few housing materials) for a proper house will stand and more. It's the flexibility of PDAF where will the money goes either from structure or to programs, constituents are easily blessed by this PDAF only a few noticed.

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