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  1. #31

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    OK so I won't force the issue.... no gray area to you ...there is only BLACK or WHITE. Fine I can live with that.

    however, please do not take this as an attack to WOMEN in general. hey wait, come to think of it.... women are the most beautiful creatures in the world. that is why in every man's failure is a woman behind..hmmmm makes me wonder why.

    who says life is fair? the Boss's only mistake here was that him being the BOSS, otherwise it would have been just an ordinary courtship & flirting inside the work place.

    so tell me is this fair?

  2. #32

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    Quote Originally Posted by kalaboso
    WHEW! Ms. Beau.

    I guess you are trying to bring-out the value of VALUES here. I salute you for being prime & proper...whatever! but this is a thing in the libraries. it only exist in the BOOKs. I beliv that every one of us has its own dark secrets!! we may not bring it out in the open coz we are afraid of being excumunicated or considered as outcast in the society but the the fact remains the same that somewhere sometime in our lives we made hard decisions and the BOTTOMLINE is always part of that considerations.

    did you? or you were born in a silver platter?

    I beliv women are the only creatures who says one thing and does another thing. completely 180 degress opposite.
    i'd like to add my opinion on the matter.

    Bottomline is no job is worth it. If a woman feels that her personal space has been invaded then its her prerogative to do something about it. Even if her boss was drop dead gorgeous... he could be 10x more gorgeous than Brad but she feels threatened or harassed in some way then that's where you draw the line and take action. But if the feeling was mutual then that's a different story. A NO is always a NO. And if the boss doesn't have the brain to respect that then by all means kick him in the b@lls... (then quit )

    I beliv women are the only creatures who says one thing and does another thing. completely 180 degress opposite.
    That's a very backward and stereotypical comment don't you think? If you're a woman shame on you for actually believing that... if you happent to be a man, then go get educated coz times have changed.

  3. #33

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    Quote Originally Posted by kalaboso
    that is why in every man's failure is a woman behind..hmmmm makes me wonder why.
    you're really not helping your cause, dude...

    the Boss's only mistake here was that him being the BOSS, otherwise it would have been just an ordinary courtship & flirting inside the work place.
    the thing is its a place of business not a social hall. Working for a company esp. if you're in a higher position, people expect no, they demand a lot from you. You're being paid to handle other people's company not clown around. Being the boss means that people have seen what you are capable of bringing to the organization. They have seen how you handle challenges and have faith in you to lead. They expect you to lead by example. They expect you to be unbiased, reasonable and professional. Unfortunately, acting like a rabid baboon in heat esp. in the workplace doesn't gain you the respect that a senior leader should. It doesn't cultivate trust from your coworkers. Using power to get into some girl's pants does nothing but harm your reputation, your position and the respect people have. If the boss doesn't know what his place and responsibilities are in that company he is CLEARLY not ready nor is he deserving of that position.

  4. #34

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    ^^well said, rockart9. :mrgreen:

    Quote Originally Posted by kalaboso
    the Boss's only mistake here was that him being the BOSS, otherwise it would have been just an ordinary courtship & flirting inside the work place.
    is that so? there's a need for a reality check here. it's NOT an ordinary courtship and flirting, bro. the boss keeps on inviting the lady to a motel. the boss getting mad at the rejection. TYPICAL sexual harrassment case. period.

    like omad, i also think that you are hiding behind this "hypothetical" boss's character. but you have denied that, so i won't force the issue.

  5. #35

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    who says life is fair? the Boss's only mistake here was that him being the BOSS, otherwise it would have been just an ordinary courtship & flirting inside the work place.
    so tell me is this fair?
    have you ever come across the phrase "With great power comes great responsibility..."?? guess not..

    he is the "boss". he should act like one. is it that hard to comprehend?

    it might be just ordinary courtship and flirting but I didn't read about the subordinate doing either. it was the boss who initiated it, not the girl. unless, you'll make some changes on your original story yet again... like you always do...

    one more thing, even if it doesn't involve a boss: when a worker makes sexual advancement to a co-employee it is still called SEXUAL HARASSMENT. boss and employee, employee and employee, boss and boss: if there's sexual harassment with those given scenarios, then there's SEXUAL HARASSMENT period. put that in mind.

    and tell me, when is a "NO" a yes? when did it ever occur to you that when a lady says "NO" it's a YES?
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  6. #36

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    Quote Originally Posted by kalaboso
    A Male Boss who repeatedly invited his pretty female subordinate to go with him to a motel. He would often times get near her work area and whispers sweet nothings to her, like "i love you". The pretty employee repeatedly disregarded and rejected the invitations, until her Boss get mad. She on the other hand was afraid that she might get deprived or discrminated from promotions or any performance rewards if she continue to sward-of her Boss's invitations & advancement.

    what shall she do?
    definitely a SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

    either this is just another short story or someone real, klaro pang recto brod... HARASSMENT GYUD NAH, why?
    that loser -- "the Boss" dili kasabot when being rejected by a simple NO...worse "even inviting the Subordinate to go to a motel" -- nya "until the Boss gets Mad?" c'mon masuko pa sya kng dli gyd ang Subordinate.

    what shall she do? damn! sharon cunetag dli mo complain ang Subordinate. ah! when someone bothers you, aren't you going to do something? pa abuso nlng ka?
    if ever the Subordinate don't do any thing about it at all, then perhaps she'll just flirt around with the boss or better yet, put a price tag on her forehead.

    for that stupid boss: he better review his code of ethics if ever he knows one. ka wai delicadeza ning tawhana; don't tell me he's just overwhelmed by his emotion to this pretty subordinate. there is a place for that not in the office...

  7. #37

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU


    lets face it.... in the real world it is a jungle out there. are you employed? so perhaps you have a first hand experiences of cruelty in the employement world. if not then this is pointless! you see , employment is a RAT RACE. who ever gets out first off the bucket full of butter WINS. I am not the BOSS or the person hiding behind the "BOSS". I am just trying to point out here that, this incidence really happens and there are rampant immorality happening in the work places for a bottomline. becoz at the end of the day it is the BOTTOMLINE that matters. would'nt you agree?so you're giving me a lecture on how the real world works now? of it being a jungle and employment being as cruel as a rat race?

    oh really?

    you know what, I have a question: what's your employment history by the way? what's your accomplishment in life that somehow gives you the power to look down on someone like me? have you ever had a whiff of being on the top level management wherein you've called the shots? probably not 'coz based on your replies, you lack a very simple yet equally important ingredient, which is, common sense.

    and please don't shy away from the main issue: the boss' sexual advancements to a subordinate. that's what we're talking about. it's clear cut. there's no gray areas no matter how you spin that issue. may it be brad pitt or george clooney as the boss: it is still SEXUAL HARASSMENT!! may it be in French, Cantonese or Nihongo: it still translates to: SEXUAL HARASSMENT!! kapish?

    I've been a "boss" in sales back home not too long ago, how sweet of you to ask. I had more or less 20 or so subordinates (mostly women) including the marketing and promotions side. and talking about sales: that's the front line, do you agree? in simple terms, it is in sales that the term "pleasing personality" comes in really handy, what with all the competition and all. and when I say PLEASING, I mean it literally. the "IT" factor. that means, that the lady in question is very commonplace in sales specially in a multi-national firm where the hiring process is at its finest.

    while your "boss" friend is reading the "pleasing and attractive women" part of my rhetoric, I'm sure he would be drooling by now over the thought of flesh at his finger tips. all the more reason to take advantage more than ever, right? but that's what sets me apart from him. I drew the line early on and set the boundary between me and my subordinates because of professionalism, work ethics and respect. I'm no saint don't get me wrong but I know where I stand in the workplace.

    now, if I have to screw my subordinates, would I reach my goal and get promoted? probably, but what about the consequences?
    if I handled that scenario the same way your "boss" friend did, what would that make me as a person?
    between living a good life and living just for the heck of it, which one do you choose? for sure you'd choose the latter. it's too obvious.

    maybe it all boils down to priorities: your "boss" friend just wanted to screw around at the office while on the other end of the spectrum, some other boss have something else in mind, personal and career advancement. he wants to climb the corporate ladder while your "boss" friend is comfortable with where he's at, what with all that screwing and everything. what a close-minded chauvinistic son of a gun, the prototypically perfect specimen of a jerk.

    I have a goal, I need to reach it. Nothing comes in between me and success.. not even THAT. very simple logic. catch my drift?

    there's always a time and place for some monkey business, the workplace is not one of them. that is, in case you didn't know. but of course, you're no boss material (pretty obvious). how would you know that? right? my bad...

    now back to the SEXUAL HARASSMENT part. here's where common sense should have prevailed. he's the "boss" so he basically can date people within the company BUT, take note, NOT his subordinate. it's unethical specially when he's using his position to get what he wants. do you know that if you're a "boss" it's plus points with women in the dating game? you can have women more beautiful, more intelligent and more wealthy than that chick. I'm not saying that she's bad but I'm just giving the "boss" ALL THE OPTIONS. options that should keep him away from that subordinate and all the trouble that goes along with her. If he would only open his eyes to the OPPORTUNITIES that are within his reach. tsk tsk.. but maybe he's not a "boss" material after all, just like the thread starter here.

    brad pitt my arse... a galant but very desperate attempt of a comeback.. what a pity...
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  8. #38

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    like omad, i also think that you are hiding behind this "hypothetical" boss's character. but you have denied that, so i won't force the issue. Ms. Beau: my apologies for bringing up "kalaboso is the boss" scenario of which I am gravely mistaken. I missed it not by an inch but by a mile. he doesn't fit the bill, just no leadership attributes whatsoever. not unless it's one of those fly-by-night-companies we're talking about here, you know what I mean? based on this guy's posts of which his bearing and rationale were exposed, he isn't capable of the position he's holding whatever that might be. his preference and goal is leaning more on "how to score" on this chick and not the greater welfare of the company.

    if he is really the boss we're talking about here:
    imagine how his superiors, the same guys who trusted and granted him a promotion, would have felt if they only knew what have become of their protege. that same guy whose primary job description is to help the company reach it's goal is now setting his own selfish goal: how to get into the drawers of his subordinate. what a turd.
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  9. #39

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    it's doesn't mean that he looks like brad pitt, it's ok for him to abuse and harass an employee. she said no not a yes, right? which part of a no he does not understand. this is plain and simple sexual harassment - no excuses. luma na nang rason nga maski murag si brad pitt - how pathetic - kay wa pa gyud ko kita pinoy na murag si brad offense...maski unsa pa niya ka gwapo, that does not give him the right to take advantage and abused his power in the please don't make that an excuse for such a sick and abusive behavior. if i were her i will report it, he should be investigated.....maybe this is not the first time he have done it.

  10. #40

    Default Re: IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________
    did you? or you were born in a silver platter?

    that is why in every man's failure is a woman behind..

    this incidence really happens and there are rampant immorality happening in the work places for a bottomline.
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
    ^^ here's another reason I wouldn't argue that kalaboso is no "boss" material after all.

    but I would gladly pay a hefty sum just to catch a glimpse of the monthly reports that kalaboso would submit to his boss...

    it would be a dandy don't you think?

    on second thought, I'd rather not. who knows it's the same "sexually harassed" subordinate that makes kalaboso's report in the first place.
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

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