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  1. #21

    pwerti jung malasa nto sio,may mag preha ta ani nla,nga pwed anytime mka sibat sa laing nasud,kung magkagubot na.stilan!

  2. #22
    Who to believe?... The actively corrupt, the silver-spoon offspring of the corrupt or the unwittingly corrupt? Jeez, this place is a shambles!

  3. #23
    C.I.A. john_yo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post
    daghan jud manggawas na secrets tungod aning pork barrel. nagbinirahay na tanan paubos
    o ana jud boss... mao bitaw na ilang gina ingon na MONEY IS THE ROOT OF EVERYTHING. lol

  4. #24
    Mas maayo unta kung ang ombudsman maoy ming-declare dili si Bobo Marcos,
    nahulog na hinoon nga nagpa-tisoy siya.
    Dili gihapon ko mo-botar niya bisan unsaon.

  5. #25
    epal moves ni bongbong, kay pirti ka ganahan ma presedente.. ahay..

  6. #26
    another bombshell from this daily tribune , surely this will not come out in yellow newspapers . sus ,kong tinuod ni ambot lang jud .

    Drilon a ‘regular’ Napoles ‘guest’

    At least two whistle-blowers in the so-called pork barrel scam mentioned the name of Senate President Franklin Drilon as among those supposed “regular visitors” in the affairs hosted by the purported mastermind, Janet Lim-Napoles.
    When the photos of Drilon, his wife and Napoles went viral and published in newspapers, Drilon and the presidential spokesman, Edwin Lacierda, called the published photos as “malicious,” claiming that Drilon merely accompanied his wife, a religious woman who had atttended an affair hosted by Napoles for a priest, making it appear that Drilon did not know Napoles.
    But Drilon’s name as a “regular Napoles guest” was mentioned in the whistle-blowers’ affidavits, according to sources who bared this yesterday following the submission of affidavits of the whistleblowers before the Senate blue ribbon committee last week.
    Marina Suñas, who was initially employed by Napoles in 1997 as janitress in the latter’s Jocris Trading company before she was named “president” in one of the alleged bogus non-government organizations (NGOs) called Masaganang Ani Para sa Magsasaka Foundation Inc. (MAPMFI), specifically mentioned Drilon’s name in her sworn affidavit.
    Besides the names that had already came out in various newspapers and included in the plunder charges filed by the Department of Justice (DoJ) before the Office of the Ombudsman, Drilon’s name was cited by Suñas, who happens to be among the resource persons called by the blue ribbon committee chairman Sen. Teofisto “TG” Guingona in today’s resumption of the public investigation.
    Guingona reportedly wanted to compel Napoles to testify before the committee but it was Drilon who had stopped this summons for Napoles, claiming that the Ombudsman will have the last say on having Napoles testify before the Senate. (See related story, page 1.)
    “In sixteen years that I (had) worked with Ms Napoles, I witnessed several personalities visit our offices and join us as our special guests during our parties and other special occasions,” she said in her affidavit.
    “These personalities who would either visit our office or join our events and affairs are Sen. Franklin Drilon, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada and family, Sen. Bong Revilla, Lani Mercado-Revilla, Bryan Revilla, Secretary Rene Villa, Congressman Pichay and wife, Congressman Plaza and Congressman Ducut,” she added.
    Sources said another witness practically corroborated Sunas’ claims attesting to the presence of Drilon in an event allegedly hosted by Napoles in Heritage Park in Taguig City.
    The said witness was referring to the published photos of Drilon and his wife with Napoles and her husband which the Senate chief and Malacañang already addressed some two weeks ago.
    Drilon was prompted to acknowledge this fact following the surfacing of his and wife Mila’s photos with the Napoles couple, supposedly taken in a “party” hosted by the alleged brains of the pork barrel scam in Heritage Park in an unspecified date.
    “But that doesn’t make me guilty of using her NGOs (non-government organizations),” he said to Senate reporters in a press conference last Sept. 10, even as he categorically stated that he can prove that not a single peso of his PDAF funds ended up in the hands of Napoles’ alleged bogus NGOs.
    “Maybe that’s a shortcoming that I had....Looking back, I should have revealed it because I did not use any of her (alleged) NGOs,” Drilon said while also revealing for the first time that when Napoles name first broke out in the alleged porl barrel scam, he realized that he had met her.
    “But again, we didn’t have any conversations about her NGOs being tapped for my PDAF (priority development assistance fund). What is important (now) is, am I among those senators whose PDAF had been tapped by her or not,” he stressed.
    Drilon is also of the opinion that his supposed “association” with Napoles, which he suspects is deliberately being fanned by some individuals, would not suffice to have him investigated on this issue, he said then.
    Based on the documents turned over to the committee, there was no mention of Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile and his former chief of staff, lawyer Lucila Jessica “Gigi” Reyes, being among the usual “guests” in Napoles’ affairs.
    Also, sources added, some whistleblowers allegedly implicated some Department of Budget and Management (DBM) employees, specifically three female staff members of Unedersecretary Mario Relampagos.
    Sources emphasized though that the whistleblowers did not mention “dealing” with Relampagos but stated that three of his staff members had dealings.
    Meanwhile, President Aquino and his men have opted not to comment on assertions of Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on the alleged P475 million funds that Budget secretary Butch Abad released from a lump sum Aquino budget under the stimulus plan as allocations to the six senators, through the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), which were used to “induce” the senators to convict then impeached Chief Justice Renato Corona in 2012.
    The Daily Tribune sent questions to DBM chief Florencio “Butch” Abad and Lacierda through emails in order to get their statements but no replies were made by them to The Tribune.
    The office of Marcos had claimed that an investigation was conducted by his office “after receiving a letter dated Sept.r 4, 2013, from Commission on Audit (COA) supervising auditor Magno Oasan”.
    His office said,”The letter concerned the authenticity of various documents involving the non-government organization National Livelihood Development Corp. (NLDC)”.
    Marcos said the internal probe revealed the following findings:
    “I. The signature of Marcos which appeared in the NLDC endorsement letter dated March 16, 2012, was falsified.
    “II. The endorsement letter does not appear in the “docket system” implemented in his office beginning January 2011.
    “III. The signature of his chief of staff Ramon Cardenas which appeared in the Memorandum of Agreements (MoAs) to the four NGOs were falsified.
    “IV. The MoAs are of dubious origin because they were allegedly notarized by a certain “Atty Antonio M. Santos” in Makati City.
    According to the office of the clerk of court in Makati City, Santos was not commissioned by the Regional Trial Court of Makati as notary public for 2011 to 2013.
    “V. The Integrated Bar of the Philippines said the lifetime number of “Atty Antonio M. Santos” belongs to another individual.
    At the height of the impeachment trial of Corona, and before his conviction by the senators, Abad released successively the huge budget which was some PP475 billion from January to May 2012.
    The Senate convened as an impeachment court, began the trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona on Jan. 16, 2012.
    On May 29, 2012, Corona was found guilty of Article ll of the Articles of Impeachment filed against him pertaining to his failure to disclose to the public his statement of assets and liabilities and networth.
    By Angie M. Rosales and Paul Atienza

    Drilon a

    sometimes the websites of manila standard and daily tribune hinay kaayo ang loading especially if mubasa mo sa mga columns against the government and you will be directed to an adult site ,hmmm, must be somebody is protecting a very important person .

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Who to believe?... The actively corrupt, the silver-spoon offspring of the corrupt or the unwittingly corrupt? Jeez, this place is a shambles!
    wa nay kato-uhan ana nila sir. kita ra jud ang gi ilad ana nila. good vs evil? well, all of them are evil... sa mka una lang og pahid sa hugaw...

  8. #28
    Kaluoy sa Pilipinas,maorag milking cow.

  9. #29
    naa pay lain ....

    Palace bribery unmasked

    What was the Palace argument about Noynoy retaining his pork barrel because it is being put to good use and not being marked by irregularity?
    The worst form of fund misuse was revealed by Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr., when, under the pain of being implicated in his own bombshell, said that Malacañang had allocated P435 million worth of projects to six senators under the Disbursement Acceleration Plan (DAP) to apparently persuade them to convict former Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona who was then being tried by the Senate impeachment court.
    Marcos did not directly accuse the Palace of bribery but the way he recounted how the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) surprised him with a P100-million allocation just as the impeachment trial was in its crucial moments, only pointed to its obvious purpose.

    Recall that the lawyers of Corona, in a press conference, disclosed that the senators were paid P100 million each by Malacañang to vote for the conviction of Corona. The lawyers of Corona were flailed — especially by the pro-Noynoy media who wanted Corona convicted.
    But the amount is now being used against Marcos which was cited in the so-called Commission on Audit (CoA) Special Report on the Priority Development Assistance Fund or pork barrel of legislators but mislabeled as part of the PDAF of the senator when actually it is an extra allotment under the discretionary funds of Noynoy in the DAP.
    So who says Noynoy disburses his lump sum pork honestly and without any irregularity, when it is being used to bribe senators, among other irregularities kept hidden by Butch Abad and CoA?
    The DAP was Noynoy’s version of the stimulus fund to address a global economic slowdown which during the time of the impeachment trial, totaled P85 billion.
    The “stimuli” was funded through the 2011 savings from unreleased appropriations for personal services worth P30 billion; unreleased appropriations for discontinued or slow-moving projects in 2011 worth P482 million; the realignment of 2011 budgetary items within agencies worth P7.75 billion; 2010 unprogrammed funds and windfall dividends from firms worth P12.34 billion and carry over savings from 2010 worth P21.54 billion.

    It totaled P72 billion when it was created and during the heat of the impeachment trial, Noynoy raised the ante by releasing an additional P13.4 billion in January 2012, supposedly from 2011 savings.
    Of the amount, P435 million was alleged to have been earmarked to six senators including Marcos, who apparently were the swing votes in the impeachment trial and who may have been leaning on acquittal. No doubt, even the senator-allies of Noynoy were also given their share, as some would have gone squaking for being left out.
    The Department of Justice and the National Bureau of Investigation cases filed with the Ombudsman did not yet include Marcos and Honasan who were both prominently mentioned in the CoA report but whom the DoJ said are candidates for the filing of the second batch of cases related to the P10-billion pork barrel scam.
    Marcos said the circumstances on the release of the allocations for senators indicate its irregular purpose. The DBM released the package in six special allotment release orders all on the same date on Dec. 6, 2011 and made available or in notice of cash allocations exactly a year later.
    The ousting of Corona was one of the chief targets of Noynoy since assuming power as part of his political cleansing which apparently has not ended. The process would apparently result in all of his yellow minions and the Liberal Party lording it over the political landscape while critics and opponents are marginalized.
    The use of the Palace funds as related by Marcos is also a compelling argument for the abolition on Noynoy’s pork barrel.

    Palace bribery unmasked

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by cherie View Post
    Only fools and corrupt supporters would believe sen. Bongboang marcos. They want cj corona, gloria, marcos back in power for furhther corruptions
    resorting to namecalling this early?

    Quote Originally Posted by wak_wak View Post
    epal moves ni bongbong, kay pirti ka ganahan ma presedente.. ahay.. worries boss...ain't gonna win...most likely, never...
    i like the guy...but not even close to what the father was...

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