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  1. #1451

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    hey guys tnx.....he already dumped me..!!..i dunno,for the simple reason nga la ko kpananghid nya..i have mixed emotions ryt ko kbw kn ako b makgreconcile nsd it happen to us a lot of tyms,nga pagmakigbuwag cya,ako ang mangita ug way to kip the relationshp goin..haayyyy...m confused njd..sayangan ko s memories as well as sa amo mga naagian...

    Quote Originally Posted by MyMaria

    to me, that's an insecure guy and immature enough to understand that TRUST is essential in relationships...

    on the other hand, i see that he's trying to get rid of you since if he seems to be pushing you away... BUWAGI daw -- see if he tries to get back.. If he does, then he's really just being a jerk and needs a good mentoring on relationships... but if he doesn't, then you're better off without him anyway.

    tell us more about the relationship so we can evaluate more.
    thats wat m thinking confusing mn au ya mga statements and dli cya msuko,palangga ko au wen he thinks that m coming into his nerves, icurse nko nya..

  2. #1452

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes
    I agree with duchess and MyMaria but disagree at the same time.

    Seems like girls in this thread conclude like lightning, too one sided it comes to a point where it's not fair to the guys.

    samantha, i'm a guy and the reason why i decided to reply in this thread (though it's hard for me coz i'm not into love advice) is because the situation you and your boyfriend is in feels like home to me, sort of.

    here are the reasons why he's acting that way:

    1. he's insecure: there's that gut feeling in him that something isn't just right. period.
    2. he's afraid to lose you: some guys are just like that, believe me. especially when you're sexy.
    3. IT IS in your personality: when you're the kind of girl who loves to hang out with guys, chances are, he wouldn't trust you that much.

    these are my top 3, there may be more.

    does it mean that i dnt hav to hang out with my guy friends

  3. #1453

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by samantha
    does it mean that i dnt hav to hang out with my guy friends
    simple as this, just don't create an impression that you're too flirty and comfy with guys so your boyfriend won't think of you as someone who can easily cheat with him.

  4. #1454

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by samantha
    hey guys tnx.....he already dumped me..!!..i dunno,for the simple reason nga la ko kpananghid nya..i have mixed emotions ryt ko kbw kn ako b makgreconcile nsd it happen to us a lot of tyms,nga pagmakigbuwag cya,ako ang mangita ug way to kip the relationshp goin..haayyyy...m confused njd..sayangan ko s memories as well as sa amo mga naagian...

    thats wat m thinking confusing mn au ya mga statements and dli cya msuko,palangga ko au wen he thinks that m coming into his nerves, icurse nko nya..

    girl, my take is that you're wasting your time if you even try to get back together with this guy. obviously, he couldn't care less about this so-called relationship. you should have realized by now that HE SIMPLY DOES NOT CARE... and you owe it to yourself not to be taken granted just like that.

    for me man gud, WASTE OF TIME jud nang magbuwag-makigbalik scenarios, especially if it happens almost always. take it from me, i've had many relationships but not one of them nakigbalik ko... all because if it means you can give up the relatioship, you can simply give it up all over again. so yeah...

    trust me, you're sooooo better off without him.
    [br]Posted on: June 25, 2007, 08:21:52 PM_________________________________________________
    Quote Originally Posted by samantha
    does it mean that i dnt hav to hang out with my guy friends

    #1 Never let any guy be the reason why you should change, especially if the change is meant to please a guy.

    FACT: You can't please everyone.
    Do you seriously think it'd make a difference if you make this change? I strongly feel this guy IS the problem.

    If a guy truly loves you, he wouldn't worry so much especially with things like what clothes you wear or who you hang out with... because if it's really love, then he should be able to trust you completely (no questions asked!)... the people you are with or the clothes you wear DO NOT define the kind of person you are and certainly does not reflect the kind of love you share... anyone can camouflage their personalities or mask their true colors but when it comes to love, there's no hiding the truth... especially if it's real.

    But to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's just not ready for a serious relationship. Have you tried talking to him, I mean, like a heart-to-heart conversation?

  5. #1455

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by MyMaria

    #1 Never let any guy be the reason why you should change, especially if the change is meant to please a guy.

    FACT: You can't please everyone.
    Do you seriously think it'd make a difference if you make this change? I strongly feel this guy IS the problem.

    If a guy truly loves you, he wouldn't worry so much especially with things like what clothes you wear or who you hang out with... because if it's really love, then he should be able to trust you completely (no questions asked!)... the people you are with or the clothes you wear DO NOT define the kind of person you are and certainly does not reflect the kind of love you share... anyone can camouflage their personalities or mask their true colors but when it comes to love, there's no hiding the truth... especially if it's real.

    But to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's just not ready for a serious relationship. Have you tried talking to him, I mean, like a heart-to-heart conversation?
    i he nvr listen..its like that his always the one who'd nvr done wrong..i was the one who always do the wrong things and him, his friends and famly,m the bad person..

  6. #1456

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    samantha i'm here 4u..

  7. #1457

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    @samantha, what made u stick with him till now? you know what HE MADE YOU SICK!!! so better get out from him.

  8. #1458

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by caspey
    samantha i'm here 4u..
    hehehe....tnx caspey[br]Posted on: June 25, 2007, 11:12:19 PM_________________________________________________
    Quote Originally Posted by black_vixen
    @samantha, what made u stick with him till now? you know what HE MADE YOU SICK!!! so better get out from him.
    i guess it more on the memories and the things that we've been through all this time...

  9. #1459

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    wat wil u do f ur bf kips on questioning ure sincerity and honesty??and everytym mkabuhat k ug saup makigbuwag daun cyasam I am:

    your story just doesn't make sense. something's missing, something's just ain't right... at least to me...

    there's a possibility that your BF (now ex) is all of the above -all the nasty adjectives thrown at him by posters here- OR MAYBE -you're withholding vital info from us- info that would solve the puzzle that is samantha. info that would turn the tide against you. info that would complete your sob story. and last but not least, info that would give us an idea that maybe you've done this "two-timing" thingy before.

    guys don't usually question someone's sincerity and honesty if that person hasn't done any "bad stuff" before don't they?

    tell us the truth: have you done things that would make your bf overly sensitive down to being paranoid? like cheating on him. like constantly telling him lies. like getting busted when you secretly go out on dates. like flirting with the opposite *** constantly... etc etc..

    you know the drill.. so what is it?
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  10. #1460

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    well, after reading omad's reply, i cant help it... since an every action has an equal and opposite reaction, is there something that you've done to him, Sam? perhaps before? or is this guy really just a jerk? Because if he really is, and the fact that you've broken up... move on.

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