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  1. #51

    Who said he was guilty? The courts or the media? Don't speculate on something that is not yet OFFICIAL.

    His dismissal from office was because of his omission in his SALN, nothing more. That was the basis for his impeachment. For the tax evasion and corruption charges? not yet OFFICIAL.

    Anyway, have fun posting here. I'll have fun reading your comments. No point arguing with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Sweeping generalizations?.. LoL.. You must have been sleeping. Do you not realize that the Corona case was the biggest corruption story of recent times in PH?... Along comes the next big corruption scandal and the very same guy is now parading around as if he's squeaky clean and one of the people! Only a simpleton could fall for such a pathetic display.
    Last edited by M.A.D.; 08-28-2013 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by M.A.D. View Post
    Who said he was guilty? The courts or the media? Don't speculate on something that is not yet OFFICIAL.

    His dismissal from office was because of his omission in his SALN, nothing more. That was the basis for his impeachment. For the tax evasion and corruption charges? not yet OFFICIAL.

    Anyway, have fun posting here. I'll have fund reading your comments. No point arguing with you.
    He was fired from his position. Doesn't that tell you something? Perhaps you were also oblivious to his conduct...'s in dollars therefore I don't need to declare it etc, etc. Now tell me, is the attitude he displayed indicative of a highly moral person?... and does his attendance at the recent anti-corruption not seem inappropriate?

    The day we see a solid conviction followed by prison time will be the day I eat my hat. Many if not most hi-profile public figures have a very shady history. The new climate may result in several people losing their positions, going on the run, maybe even being placed under house arrest, but jail time, restitution.... I doubt it very much.

  3. #53
    Say it like it is. Courtesy of media. Enjoy speculating and eating mushrooms.

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    He was fired from his position. Doesn't that tell you something? Perhaps you were also oblivious to his conduct...'s in dollars therefore I don't need to declare it etc, etc. Now tell me, is the attitude he displayed indicative of a highly moral person?... and does his attendance at the recent anti-corruption not seem inappropriate?

    The day we see a solid conviction followed by prison time will be the day I eat my hat. Many if not most hi-profile public figures have a very shady history. The new climate may result in several people losing their positions, going on the run, maybe even being placed under house arrest, but jail time, restitution.... I doubt it very much.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by M.A.D. View Post
    Say it like it is. Courtesy of media. Enjoy speculating and eating mushrooms.
    What happened to ignoring me?

    Childish insults huh... well, there goes the little bit of credibility you may have had.

  5. #55
    There is one person once said:

    "Great people talks about ideas, Open minded people talks about how to become great , while ordinary people talks about other people"

    The question. Which are you?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    He was fired from his position. Doesn't that tell you something? Perhaps you were also oblivious to his conduct...'s in dollars therefore I don't need to declare it etc, etc. Now tell me, is the attitude he displayed indicative of a highly moral person?... and does his attendance at the recent anti-corruption not seem inappropriate?

    The day we see a solid conviction followed by prison time will be the day I eat my hat. Many if not most hi-profile public figures have a very shady history. The new climate may result in several people losing their positions, going on the run, maybe even being placed under house arrest, but jail time, restitution.... I doubt it very much.
    Actually bro his right. He is not actually guilty of anything just yet. And you can't prove it, except for the medias. But if you're talking to legalities... there's no paper just yet indicating him his guilty of something. Or maybe I'm wrong, care to provide me a link for that court ruling? zip my mouth then if you do.
    Last edited by elvandesantos; 08-28-2013 at 03:31 PM.

  6. #56
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    He lost his job and rightly so, but don't feel sorry for this guy... remember he's still got the millions of unexplained dollars. Not much of a punishment at all in my opinion.... and his attempt to attack his peers by hijacking the rally when he really ought to be keeping a low profile speaks volumes about his ego.
    hijack the rally? I fail to recall that part.

    He was convicted because he didn't disclose in his SALN. I thought this has been established?

    He had, before the court, explained where his money came from. We even opened up over decades old worth of his bank account information, because the prosecution was trying to find loose ends. They got him on the count that he didn't disclose his assets and liabilities faithfully, not because there was suspicious money. Regardless, he is guilty, if only by technicality.

  7. #57

  8. #58
    darn! I love yellow but why does it have to be associated by this people.

    Anyway Yellow pip detected! lol

  9. #59
    How about sa Current Chief Justice Sereno karon regarding anang 25M wala niya gi apil sa SALN ? ..... Sereno corrects SALn, claims a P1M

    Kini judicious mani .. walay mo reklamo aning taga Yellow ... Matuwid man kaha atong Gusto .. wala tay pilion ....

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ug ma trippan nis next admin unya contra partido ma impeach manjud ni parihas ni Corona .....

  10. #60
    Yun mismong 188 congressmen at 21 senators pala ang mga AKTUWAL NA MAGNANAKAW... mao jud ni tinood ... kanang uban diha ka hypocrito biya ninyo ....

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sa tinood katong mga Hecklers sa Rally mga Yellow man to .. mga bastos ug blinded people whata hypocrites ....

  11.    Advertisement

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