@TS: Naka 1st gen paman diay imong setup so ok rana di na magka problema. Pero for me medyo high end ra imong GPU compare sa imong current setup and would run PCIEX 2.0 lang. Good to go anyway walay problema.
@TS: Naka 1st gen paman diay imong setup so ok rana di na magka problema. Pero for me medyo high end ra imong GPU compare sa imong current setup and would run PCIEX 2.0 lang. Good to go anyway walay problema.
GTX 760 and GTX 670 more or less same same sila but ang 760 is a little bit improved and updated kay new gen naman siya nga gpu line. Aside from that, mas prefer nako MSI na brand compared sa Palit. So, i'd go for MSI GTX 760.![]()
nakapalit na daw xa mga bro..
pero kung reference lang, maski unsa na brand ok ra.
kung nvidia non reference - asus, msi, and the underrated inno3d
the GTX 670 is faster compared to the GTX 760... on an apple to apple comparison... stock to stock and OC to OC... why?... chech their specs... the GTX 760 is intended to replace the GTX 660 Ti... while the GTX 770 is intended to replace the GTX 670... the GTX 780 is in another league... it's a "TItan Light"... it uses the GK110... the same GPU chip that the Titan used... less some designs...
on the other hand, the new GTX 760 uses the GK104... the same GPU chip that was used by the GTX 670 and GTX 680... but w/ less shader units (CUDA)... it only has 1152... the GTX 670 has 1344 while the GTX 680 has 1536... the same as of the GTX 770... all of them are on 256 mem bandwidth... but the among the pack that utilizes the GK104's, only the GTX 770 used the 7002 MHz DDR5... the rest used the 6008 MHz DDR5 memory... this is one of the main reason other than a faster core clock, why the GTX 770 is much more faster compared to the GTX 680...
now back to the GTX 760 and GTX 670... the GTX 760 has a faster core clock compared to the GTX 670 @ stock... but even at stock, the previous gen Kepler, the GTX 670 is still faster because of more shader units (CUDA cores)... usa ni sa reason why, mas mahal lang gihapon ang GTX 670 compared to the GTX 760... it's market positioning (cost to performance ratio)... to battle their main rival, AMD... bisan ang ilahang mga offering, gi battle pud nila... hehehehe... anyway, kita ang mga buyers ang nalipay. wala pa nila ni sya gi face out ang 1st Gen Keplers (pero, padung na ni)... infact, if we'll compare the GTX 670 to the GTX 680, the GTX 670 is the bang for the money... price wise, layo pero performance wise, duol... in reality, the GTX 680 is still faster compared to the 670 on an apple to apple comparison... now, we can mirror this to the GTX 760... currently, this offering from Nvidia is the "bang for the money"... cost wise, mas cheaper compared to the 670... performance wise, dili ra sila layo... again, on an apple to apple comparison... on a clock per clock comparison...
in short, for us with moderate budget... go GTX 760...
aw hehe dili siguro underrrated ang term, wala man jud xa kaayu ginamention sa uban review site... very good card pero panagsa ra mamention. kasagari bukambibig sa mga reviews is asus msi palit etc..seldom ra inno3d... hehe
^ inno3d has the "Coolest Temp" air cooling system among the pack of the current "powerful GPU"... check the link... the competition can not beat the temperature at "Full Load"...
Inno3D GeForce GTX 760 iChill review - Graphics card temperatures
Inno3D GeForce GTX 770 iChill HerculeZ X3 Ultra review - Graphics card temperatures
Inno3D GeForce GTX 660 Ti iChill review - Graphics card temperatures
Inno3D iChill HerculeZ GeForce GTX 660 review - Graphics card temperatures
and here's my review on my previous inno3D GTX 660 Ti iChiLL w/ Herculez 2000 cooling system on 2-way SLI... check the temps at full load... to date, the pair is the "Coolest Temp" air cooled GPU here in istorya...
Last edited by lloyd_joy; 08-23-2013 at 10:51 AM.
Correct facts but based on experience, inno3d let me down by leaving me almost a shoe box full of dead cards (from my younger sister's computer who isnt a gamer at all but her gpu keeps dying lol) well yea its based on my actual experience though well based on their cheaper line of cards not on the 600 series nor the 700 series hehe
^ dili hiyang ang inno3d video cards ninyo bro... hehehehe...
akoang inno3D AGP 2x... forgot the GPU chip. i bought that in the late 90's [1997 or '98]... then bought a inno3D AGP 4x... based on S3 Savage 2000... mao ni sya ang gi gamit pa karon diay... early 2000 nako ni napalit sya... wla pa'y 1 yr old akoang daughter... games akoang sige duwa kay C&C: Red Alert 2, Warcraft 2 & 3 ug Star Craft...
i have a number of inno3d video card too... not even one died on me... i even have an inno3d PCI video card na ning gana pa pud... akoang gi gamit pag test last month pag short vacation nako dha sa Cebu... college pa man siguro ko pag palit nko ana nya... hehehe... tigs na baya ko karon... it is based on S3 virge chip... gamit nko pang trouble shoot sya... naa dha sa cebu...
Last edited by lloyd_joy; 08-23-2013 at 01:55 PM.
sorry mga bro pero daghan napud ko inno3d na naguba, I think sa akoa rig 3 na then sa lapulapu namu na internet cafe all 8 cards jud naguba na. although to mention sad nagub an sad ko Asus pero 1 card ra.
Arang arang pa cguro powercolor. karn combination na sa palit, asus, sapphire didto. sofar ok ra
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